If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About? paper at affordable prices with custom essay service! "One of the greatest triumphs that the human soul has ever achieved"

T.S.Eliot, 1, (speaking of the fourth voyage)

"A satire on the four aspects of man the physical, the political, the intellectual and the moral............It is also a brilliant parody of travel literature; and is at once science fiction and a witty parody of science fiction. It expresses savage indignation at the follies, vices, and stupidities of men, and everywhere implicit in the book as a whole is an awareness of mans tragic insufficiency. But at the same time it is a great comic masterpiece"

Samuel Holt Monk

Cheap University Papers on Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About?

"unconvincing and unpopular with all but the professional misanthrope"

William A. Eddy, 1

Gullivers Travels elicits as many responses as there are readers of it. Indeed, the commentary already available makes adding to it a daunting task. However, some solace can be found in the fact that this piece of work seems inexhaustible, with each new age offering different perspectives. I must confess to thinking that due to the seemingly simple question to this essay that I would not experience too many difficulties, to this I have been proven very wrong. I, like many others before me underestimated the complexities of Gulliver's Travels leaving me initially unable to decide what it was about. There are so many themes running through this piece of work that it seems impossible say definitively what it is about! Swift's voice is very evident throughout the book, indeed there are times when his presence is felt so strongly that unlike a lot of authors works, I feel it would be impossible to justly consider the question without exploring contextual and historical perspectives as well as trying to discover a little of Swift's attitudes and personality.

In the case of Swift, distinguishing the literary work from the literary life of the author is a particular problem, acknowledged by many of Swifts commentators including F. R. Leavis, who strongly disapproved of such commentary. Inability to separate Gulliver from Swift seems to lead inevitably to a psychoanalytic approach, (the dangers of which I shall discuss later) a problem which is made more difficult by Gulliver's lack of depth along with the strongly felt presence of Swift. Gulliver appears to be more of a functional character rather than a realistic one, adding to the difficulty of distinguishing Swift's voice from Gullivers. The shallowness of the character of Gulliver has fueled discussion as to whether or not Gullivers Travels can be placed in the genre of the novel

"while it has, in the nature and locations of Gulliver's adventures, the improbability of romance, it has in it's narrative manner the realism of a novel"

Tippett, pg8

Whilst Allen argues that

"though possessing many of the attributes of a novelist [Swift] cannot be called one"

Tippett on Allen, pg.8

When considering what Gullivers Travels is about, it is difficult to ignore the influences of the many television and film adaptations, most of which reflect Johnsons sentiments. Indeed, Gullivers Travels has infiltrated our society to such an extent that it would be difficult to find anyone in the western world who would not hold some opinion of what Gullivers Travels is about. I believe that much of the popular opinion expressed would also concur with Johnson's.

To say that Gullivers Travels is "a story about little people and big people' is plainly a gross underestimation of this piece of work, and yet cannot be dismissed as untrue! It has been said of Gullivers Travels that

"from the highest to the lowest it is universally read, from the Cabinet Council to the nursery"

Tippett, (18) cites John Gay, pg0.

This is true, and from the eyes of a child it is a story about little people and big people. For Johnson to dismiss it as such is more a statement about Johnsons intellect than Swifts talents! On the other hand, there is a lot to be said in favour of the highly edited childrens versions of Gullivers Travels, which I found more enjoyable than the recently read unabridged copy, which would have benefited from selective editing! The "little people and big people' are important as regards perspective, which is a considerable theme

"nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison"

(G.T. 11.1)

Swift used perspective throughout the book to illustrate this. For example, Gulliver comments that he is horrified by the sight of the huge monstrous breast' of a nursing mother in Brobdingnog, and on noticing how their skins were "rough and coarse and ill coloured" Gulliver

"reflect[s] upon the fair skins of our English ladies, who appear so beautiful to us, only because they are our own size, and their defects not to be seen but through a magnifying glass, where we find through experiment that the smoothest and whitest skins look rough and coarse, and ill coloured. I remember when I was in Lilliput, the complexions of those diminutive people appeared to me the fairest in the world"

(G.T. 11.1)

Through the use of perspective, comparison, contrast, similarity and difference, Swift makes many illustrations. Indeed it is often through the use of similarity that he achieves great humorous effects. For example, that the Lilliputian vanities of woman are the same as in England! Also, that in Lugardo, that the mathematics of the scientists are as ridiculous and pretentious as their European counterparts! It is only by illustrating the differences of the lands that their similarities amuse, simple yet effective.

Swift also uses the comparisons of bodily size to illustrate his point that

"Reason did not extend it self with the Bulk of the Body On the contrary, we observed in our Country, that the tallest Persons were usually least provided with it. That among other Animals, Bees and Ants had the Reputation of more Industry, Art and Sagacity, than many of the larger Kinds"


Although the use of perspective is used throughout, It does not, alone explain what the book is about. The opening quotes illustrate what other people think Gullivers Travels is about; one certainty is that there is no definitive agreement of the question.

A debate which becomes as tedious as Gullivers Travels itself, focuses on whether Swift was insane prior to his demise into senile dementia? This is the question asked by many commentators of Swift, and most seem to conclude that he was indeed non compos mentis. This I feel is the main complication of author-centred approaches when looking at swift. However, psychoanalytical approaches have had such an influence upon Swiftian criticism that it would be fool hardy to ignore them. The psychobiographical approach to swift probably began with the Earl of Orrey's On the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, (175) In which he condemns the voyage to the land of Houyhnhnms as

"a real insult upon mankind" [in] "the last part of his imaginary travels.......Swift has indulged in misanthropy that is intolerable. The representation which he has given us of human nature, must terrify, and even debase the mind of the reader who views it"

(Fox cites Orrey, Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism pg. 7)

The opinion expressed by Orrey was soon to be extended upon and still flourishes in modern commentary, most concluding as Orrey did, that Swift was a misanthrope, a misogynist and was indeed pathological! A lot of these comments arose not only from Gullivers Fourth voyage; the primary weapon of commentators such as Huxley, Murrey, Stephen and Greenacre to name but a few, is Swift's preoccupation with anality and the anal product! Stephen concluded that

"His [Swift's] indulgence in revolting images is to some extent an indication of a diseased condition of the mind, perhaps of actual mental decay"

Tippett, (18) cites Stephen (188), pg 4

Aldous Huxley, whom Brown gives credit for first recognizing the "central importance of the excremental theme in Swift" states

"Swift's Greatness lies in the intensity, the almost insane violence of the "hatred of the bowels' which is the essence of his misanthropy and which underlies the whole of his work"

Brown on Huxley, pg.611/61 (The Norton Critical edition)

I believe that Huxley has is correct that the excremental theme does have central importance in Swift, but I do not agree with the rest of the statement. Norman O Browns essay The excremental Vision from which this quote is taken gives an altogether more convincing and refreshing explanation to Swift's Excremental Vision, a term which Brown has borrowed from An essay by Murry of the same title, but with radically differing conclusions. Brown goes on, with great wit, to dismiss the writings of Huxley, Murry and the psychoanalysts attempts to write off Swift as

"a neurotic who exhibited psychosexual infantilism, with a particular showing of coprophilia, associated with misogyny, misanthropy, mysophilia and mysophobia"

Brown cites Karpman, (14) pg. 614

Not to mention Greenacre's comments on the symbolism of Gulliver being "a little man in a little boat" (Brown), to which Greenacre explains as

"The common symbolism of the man in the boat as the clitoris suggests the identification with the female phallus thought to be characteristic of the male transvestite"

Brown cites Greenacre, pg.615

Brown then, in my view, rightly protests

"Common humility makes us turn away from Huxley, Murry and the psychoanalysts. By what right do they issue certificates of lunacy? By virtue of their own preeminent sanity?

Brown, pg 615

However, rather than dismiss psychoanalitical criticism, he argues that the reason Gullivers Travels, along with other works of Swift, lends itself so easily to psychoanalytic interpretation is in fact because Swifts "excremental vision' has many parallels with Frauds theories, ultimately that

"The correlative doctrine in psychoanalysis is of course the equation of money and feces"

Brown, pg 60

Resisting the temptation to go on quoting Browns many comparisons of Freudian psychoanalysis to what he terms Swiftian psychoanalysis, suffice to say that Brown concludes that where Freud explored the unconscious from a psychological standpoint

"Swift is carried by the logic of myth (myth, like wit, reaches the unconscious) to make the same equation"

Brown, pg60

I.e. that of money and feces! Brown convincingly illustrates that what Swift was saying through his excremental vision, was in fact that

"Shame and repression of anality did not exist in the age of innocence"

Brown, pg. 60

For Swift then, the excremental vision is an attack on the pride of man , which in the age of innocence was a sin, and which Swift witnesses in his lifetime as becoming a virtue

"For Swift it becomes the decisive weapon in his assault on the pretentions, the pride, even the self respect of mankind"

Brown, pg 611

This brings us to the need to look at the contextual and historical aspects of Gullivers Travels, along with a need to understand something of Swifts religious and socio-political beliefs (which I will discuss later) in order to gain greater understanding of what Gullivers Travels is actually about.

As well as finding Browns essay a very convincing argument, the problem I have with much of the psychoanalytical criticisms of Swift is that I believe the whole issue of "excrement' throughout Swifts work is too evident to have been Swift's unconscious at work. Thus, if he knew he was writing it, as I believe he did, then he also must have had a reason for it ! On this particular point, I agree with Brown.

The accusation of whether Swift was a misanthrope, and whether we agree with sentiments like these

"unconvincing and unpopular with all but the professional misanthrope"

William A. Eddy, 1

of which there are many, depends greatly on our own personal interpretation of the text, along with our own attitudes towards mankind. In a letter to Pope Swift stated

"When you think of the world, give it one lash the more at my request. I have ever hated all Nations professions and Communityes, and all my love is towards individuals; for instance, I hate the tribe of Lawyers, but love Councellor such a one, Judge such a one; ...so with Physicians (I will not speak of my own Trade), Soldiers, English, Scotch, French, and the rest, but principally I hate and detest that animal called man, although I hartily love John, Peter, Thomas and so forth."

JS letter to Alexander Pope, Sept. 175

This corresponds closely with

"My Reconcilement to the Yahoo-kind in general might not be so difficult if they would be content with those Vices and Follies only, which Nature has entitled them to. I am not in the least provoked at the Sight of a Lawyer, a Pick-pocket, a Colonel, a Fool, a Lord, a Gamester, a Politician, a Whore-Master, a Physician, an Evidence, a Suborner, an Attorney, a Traitor, or the like This is all according to the due Course of Things But when I behold a Lump of Deformity, and Diseases both in Body and Mind, smitten with Pride, it immediately breaks all the Measures of my Patience" (G.T.IV1) my underlining

Pride, I believe is one of the core dislikes of Swift's. I Do not believe that Swift was totally a misanthrope, but I did feel that he was frustrated, disheartened and perhaps even a little afraid by the way he saw society changing. I think he simply understood the limitations of mankind but accepted that, not hated it. As a religious man, he believed that man did have many faults, but that pride was not an inevitable fault of mankind but was an avoidable sin

"therefore I here entreat those who have any Tincture of this absurd Vice [pride], that they will not presume to come in my sight."

(G.T. 1V 1)

Colonialism is another theme in Gullivers Travels, and although at times is very contradictory, is at other times treated with brilliant irony

"For instance, A Crew of Pyrates are driven by a Storm they know not whither, at length a boy discovers Land from the Top-mast, they go on Shore to Rob and Plunder; they see an harmless People, are entertained with Kindness, they give the Country a new Name, they take formal Possession of it for their King, they set up a rotten Plank or a Stone for a Memorial, they murder two or three Dozen of the Natives, bring away a couple more by Force for a Sample, return Home, and get their Pardon. Here commences a new Dominion acquired with a Title by Divine Right. Ships are sent with the first Opportunity, the Natives driven out or destroyed, their Princes tortured to discover their Gold; a free Licence given to all Acts of Inhumanity and Lust, the Earth reeking with the Blood of its Inhabitants And this execrable Crew of Butchers employed in so pious an Expedition, is a modern Colony sent to convert and civilize an idolatrous and barbarous People."

(G.T. IV1)

I would suggest that this statement rings more of "healthy cynicism' than misanthrope! Swift accepted the limitation of mankind, however, what he hated was that mankind did not make the most of the good attributes it possesed, and indeed, seemed to be degenerating

"That he looked upon us as sort of Animals to whose Share, by what Accident he could not conjecture, some small Pittance of Reason had fallen, whereof we made no other Use than by its Assistance to aggravate our natural Corruptions, and to acquire new ones which Nature had not given us"

(G.T. IV7)

To look at the Historical period in which Swift wrote Gullivers Travels is also a useful tool to shed light on what Gullivers Travels is about

"In it's general conception, in the characterization of Gulliver and in innumerable significant details it reveals itself as a reaction to the religious, intellectual and scientific tendencies of it's age and for many critics it can only be properly explained in this light."

Tippett, pg. 4

Here, I believe Swift to be giving a moral warning rather to his readers rather than an all out condemnation. Remember that Swift was a religious man, who would have believed in the sinfulness of man, and that without divine grace would be unable to overcome his natural sinful nature. What Swift was afraid of was the future decline of moral standards due to the changing philosophy of the time. Written a few decades earlier, he probably would not have been labeled a misanthrope at all!

Swift seems to regret the changes taking place in society. In the eighteenth century there were basically two schools of thought

"optimism and benevolence are ranged against pessimistic views of human nature, the advocacy of the new science against the defense of older forms of humanistic learning, speculative philosophy against a traditional dependence upon divine revelation, in short the modern against the traditional."

Tippett, pg. 44

Needless to say, Swift was a traditionalist

"I have got materials toward a treatise proving the falsity of the definition animal rationale, and to show it should be only retionis capax. Upon this great foundation of misanthropy (though not in Timon's manner) the whole building of my travels is erected; and I never will have peace of mind till all honest men are of my opinion."

JS letter to Alexander Pope, Sept. 175

Some critics have related the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos with the two opposing philosophical views of the eighteenth century, with Gulliver somewhere between the two, not totally rational, yet not without reason. If we assume this to be correct, then was Swift saying that man is Yahoo, or that man is in danger of becoming Yahoo without divine grace? I believe he was saying the later; because man is not totally rational then he is unable to govern himself successfully. The danger of having a small amount of reason is that mans passions are in danger of overcoming that reason. I think it absurd, as some commentators have said that Swift is advocating the Houyhnhnm as the ideal state, as he was well aware of the faults of mankind. Also, in many ways the Houyhnhnms were absurd creatures, I think it more likely that he used the contrast between the Houyhnhnms and Yahoos to illustrate that mankind was not as rational as some would like to believe.

If we combine Swifts personal attitudes with Browns explanation that Swift had great insight into the "universal neurosis of mankind', (Brown, pg.617) then many of the traditional explanations of Swift as a madman seem extremely unlikely. Ultimately then, I must conclude that underlying the many themes of political satire, science, perspective, commodification, colonialism .....etc. that if forced to say what Gullivers Travels is about, I would have to say that it is a moral fable, warning against the changing philosophy of humankind that Swift was witnessing. If this was the case or not one thing I can conclusively say is that Im sure he could have said it quicker! perhaps C.J.Rawson makes this point more eloquently when he rightly points out points in Gulliver and the Gentle Reader, that the difficulty for the reader to know how to take Swift, he points out the

"curious precariousness of the reader's grasp of what is going on..[and the] continuous defensive uneasiness...[and] an undermining of our nervous poise" only then do we experience "something of the quicksilver quality of Swift's satire"

(Rawson, 17)

Swift as they say, has the last laugh

"the chief end I propose to myself in all my labours is to vex the world rather than divert it"

JS letter to Alexander Pope, Sept. 175

Please note that this sample paper on Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Johnson Scathingly Dismissed Gullivers Travels as a Story about "Little People and Big People"; In Your View, What is it About? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Happy life of Francis Macomber, The. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Happy life of Francis Macomber, The paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Happy life of Francis Macomber, The, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Happy life of Francis Macomber, The paper at affordable prices ! I believe that the development of the plot clearly proves that Mrs. Margot Macomber murders Mr. Francis Macomber. Their relationship is not healthy and Francis has changed in a way that makes Margot feel very uncomfortable. The reactions of Margot and Wilson, once Francis is dead, only support the murder of Mr. Macomber.

The relationship between Francis and Margot is not healthy. We know that from time to time they are "on the verge" of breaking up, or having a huge fight, their story does not specify. Margot ruins their relationship on the safari when she has an affair with Wilson, and flirts and kisses Wilson right in front of Francis, and when she totally puts Francis down and says that Wilson is the better, braver man. We can believe Francis when he accuses Margot of having the affair because Francis proves himself not to be very jealous, because he does not do much about Margot's behavior. Their relationship is also a very dependent one because Margot depends on Francis to support her with his money, and Francis depends on her as a companion. "She had missed the chance to leave him and he knew it. If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting anther new, beautiful wife; but she knew too much about him to worry about him either."(45) So, Margot is free to have affairs because they are bound.

The power that Margot has, that allows her do whatever she wants, shifts over to Francis who finds confidence. Margot notices this, "From the far corner of her seat Margot Macomber looked at the two of them. There was no change in Wilson... But she saw the change in Francis Macomber now… "Your both talking rot,' said Margot. " Just because you have chased some helpless animals in a motorcar you talk like heroes…'If you don't know what we're talking about why not keep out of it?' Macomber asked his wife. "You've gotten awfully brave, awfully suddenly,' his wife said contemptuously, but her contempt was not secure. She was very afraid of something." (54) This something could mean that Francis is ready to leave Margot.

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I believe that the development of the plot clearly proves that Mrs. Margot Macomber murders Mr. Francis Macomber. Their relationship is not healthy and Francis has changed in a way that makes Margot feel very uncomfortable. The reactions of Margot and Wilson, once Francis is dead, only support the murder of Mr. Macomber.

Please note that this sample paper on Happy life of Francis Macomber, The is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Happy life of Francis Macomber, The, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Happy life of Francis Macomber, The will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Misleading Claims about Abortion. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Misleading Claims about Abortion paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Misleading Claims about Abortion, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Misleading Claims about Abortion paper at affordable prices !

CLAIM "It's my body."

ANSWER A woman's body does not have two beating hearts, two blood types, two heads, four eyes, four arms, and four legs. A pregnant woman and her baby have all this and more. And what about when she's pregnant with a male baby? That's not her body... it's a unique, baby boy growing in her womb.

CLAIM "It's only a fetus."

ANSWER Fetus � literally meaning "little one" in Latin � refers to the preborn baby after eight weeks gestation. Webster's Dictionary states that a fetus has "passed the early stages of development and attained the basic final form prior to parturition (birth)." Some people seem to have forgotten they once lived and grew in the womb as a "fetus." Would it have been okay if they had been aborted when they were "only a fetus?"

Help with essay on Misleading Claims about Abortion

CLAIM "Abortion is legal; therefore, it must be right."

ANSWER The U.S. Supreme Court has been wrong on many major decisions and then overturned itself. Remember the Dred Scott case on slavery? If the Supreme Court suddenly declared child abuse or rape legal, would that make them right? Would we ignore such injustices and do nothing to protect the innocent?

CLAIM "Freedom of choice" and "It's a woman's right to choose!"

ANSWER How can anyone claim they have the "freedom" or "right" to kill an innocent baby? The only "choice" in abortion is between a dead baby and a live baby. Plus, those who defend this "choice" aren't consistent. Why is it only in the case of abortion they argue that "choice" should be absolute? Using the same rationale, wouldn't people have the right to "choose" to use drugs ("it's my body") or the right to "choose" to practice prostitution? Humane societies don't tell people they have a "freedom of choice" to kill their own children. There are right choices and wrong choices. In recent history, millions of innocent people died because of terribly wrong choices that slave owners and Nazis thought they had a "right" to make. Terrible choices have led to dead slaves, dead Jews and dead babies.

CLAIM "The government shouldn't interfere."

ANSWER Our Declaration of Independence declares that each of us has an "inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson defined government's role "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." Government should protect all of us, especially before we are born, when we are most vulnerable.

CLAIM "Poor women need public funds (your tax money) to pay for abortions so they will not be discriminated against."

ANSWER The rich can readily afford cocaine and prostitutes. Should taxpayers also be forced to buy these for the poor? The bottom line is that abortion is the worst form of child abuse. It kills a baby and wounds the mother for life. If the poor cannot afford abortions, they and their children are blessed not to become victims of this bloody holocaust.

CLAIM "I'm personally opposed to abortion, but I don't want to impose my morality on others."

ANSWER What about other moral issues such as rape, robbery, child abuse, arson and murder? What if politicians said, "I'm personally opposed, but. . ." about racism? They'd be kicked out of office on the spot! What about slavery? If abolitionists had bought this "personally opposed, but" argument, some states could still be saddled with slavery today. Every law ever passed sets standards that reflect someone's (or a body of lawmakers') morality. A politician who won't vote against something he/she is morally opposed to doesn't have an ounce of honesty in his/her blood.

CLAIM Privacy � In 17, The Supreme Court said women have a "constitutional right" to "privacy" on abortion.

ANSWER The Court was wrong. Nobody has a right to injure or kill another person "privately." Does a right to "privacy" also protect parents who abuse, molest or kill their born children in the "privacy" of their home? Why not? What about their "right to privacy?" How is it that Roe v. Wade determined that unborn children are not "persons" even though they have the right to inherit property, the right to be protected from a drug-addicted mother, the right not to be killed by a drunk driver, and many other rights? Some states have entire sections of law outlining crimes against unborn children in which they're protected from negligent or willful harm or death from conception on.

CLAIM "Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade aren't comparable."

ANSWER Yes, they are comparable in that the Supreme Court was wrong to deny inalienable rights in both cases. The Dred Scott decision of 1857 upheld slavery as legal. It decreed that black people are the private property of the slave owners. This was a grave error of the Supreme Court, denying African Americans one of their most fundamental human rights � the right to liberty. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court erred again by denying a whole class of human beings (preborn babies) the most fundamental right � the right to life.

CLAIM "If legal abortions are banned, women will resort to dangerous back alley abortions."

ANSWER In 17, the year before the Supreme Court legalized abortion, a total of women died from illegal abortions, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), admits his group lied and inflated the number of women who died from illegal abortion when testifying before the U.S. Supreme Court in 17 "We spoke of 5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year. I confess that I knew the figures were totally false. . .. it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?" Claims that abortion became safer for women after it was legalized fail to acknowledge that large numbers of women are physically injured or killed by so-called safe and legal abortions every year. The book Lime 5 documents 0 cases of women injured or killed by abortion or sexually assaulted by their abortionists (see page 18 and www.prolife.com for details). Former abortion provider Carol Everett states, "In the last 18 months I was in business [she ran four abortion centers in Texas in 18], we were completing 500 abortions monthly and killing or maiming one woman out of 500."

CLAIM Rape and incest � "Abortion should be legal to end a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest."

ANSWER It's important to remember that the child conceived through rape or incest is no less human than any other child. Dr. David Reardon (www.afterabortion.org) points out that abortion is the very worst "solution" that we can offer to the pregnant woman at this crisis time in her life. Abortion compounds her problems. Abortion makes her an aggressor against her own innocent child and it never makes the painful memories of rape go away. If a small child were killed in the street by a negligent driver and it was later determined that the child had been conceived in rape, would the driver be held less responsible? Is that child's death less tragic?

CLAIM "It's a woman's issue. Men should have no say."

ANSWER Every baby has a mother and a father. Why should fathers be denied their parental rights? Why shouldn't men defend the innocent and the weak? More than half of America's pro-life movement is made up of women who ask men to join their cause. Many women become pro-life after discovering their own abortion was a terrible mistake. They discover how painful abortion is from first-hand experience, then they ask men to help expose abortion so that fewer women and babies become victims.

Please note that this sample paper on Misleading Claims about Abortion is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Misleading Claims about Abortion, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Misleading Claims about Abortion will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in China, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your China paper at affordable prices ! China's "Three Gorges" Dam

Being built along China's Yangtze River is the Three Gorges hydroelectric dam. It is heralded as the world's largest hydro-electric project and is said to be completed by 00. Some Chinese are calling it the "modern Great Wall". This dam will be 185 metres high and will have a kilometer concrete wall stretching across the world's third largest river. It is now beginning to fill a reservoir that will be 1.1 kilometers wide and 600 kilometers long. It will be able to fill 40 billion cubic metres of water. The Three Gorges which it currently includes, are the Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge. The reason behind the construction of the Three Gorges is to provide China with inexpensive energy to support and strengthen its economic and social development. The dams will have two power stations that are expected to operate 6 of the world's largest turbine generators. The total generating capacity of the dam will be 18 00 megawatts which is the same as the energy produced by 18 nuclear power stations or by 40 million tones of coal.

Just like every issue in the world, there are positives and negatives. One of the positives to the Three Gorges is that by controlling the flow of the Yangtze River, the dam will be able to let ship to navigate these rough waters more effectively. It will also expand the amount of shipping along this central part of the river by 10 million tonnes to 50 million tonnes annually, while bringing down shipping costs by 0 to 7 percent. This dam will also help control the frequency of floods, from once every ten years to once every 100 years. Supporters of the Three Gorges also have their opinions as to why it is positive. They say that controlling the flow of water, the lives of over 15 million people downstream will be protected, since there will be hardly any threats of floods. They say that this project is to provide China with large amounts of hydro electric power so that they will no longer rely on power from coal. This is very good because using coal damages the environment. One of the negatives to the Three Gorges is that it is expected to flood 8 400 hectares of fertile valley farmland. The people that use to live along the Yangtze River had to be moved to sites that are built on 5 degree slopes. This makes it very difficult for them to farm and to develop a community. Others had to be settled much further like in Shanghai and Xinjiang. Which are provinces in the northwest of China. Now these people will need new jobs or high quality farmland to make a living. Another negative of the Three Gorges Dam project is that it will change the river ecosystem for fish and wildlife. It may also be a threat to endangered species such as the Chinese sturgeon, the Chinese tiger, the Yangtze dolphin and the giant panda.

Along with the positives and negatives to the Three Gorges there are also the social, environmental and economical implications. The social aspect is that the Three Gorges reservoir will flood an area of 6 square kilometers, which will impact 65 townships in 1 cities, districts or countries in Sinchuan and Hebei Provinces. The dam is estimated to displace 1 million to million people as "reservoir refugees" There has been poor resettlement attempts, inadequate resettlement attempts and lack of consultation with resettled people. For the environment flooding will cover more than 1000 factories, hundreds of tourist and cultural sites and ancient temples and monuments. As well more than 50 types of pollutants from human and industrial waste that are dumped into the lake will not be washed away. Economically this dam project is very expensive. The estimate of the cost for completing the construction is 5 billion US. This results in moving money from other programs as well threatening China's economic stability.

Custom essays on China

Overall the sustainability of this resource use has its good and bad. Many can argue and say it is a positive aspect being added to China and others can say it is a negative aspect to China. I do not believe this resource is being manages to the best of it's ability because as soon as you are risking the lives of the people in the country and life of living you need to stop and realise the dangers of this. It may help one problem but may begin another. My main suggestions are to make sure that the people being relocated and satisfied and not in any danger. As well to make sure that they are not causing major environmental problems or allowing these problems to arise.

Please note that this sample paper on China is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on China, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on China will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on St.Louis Missouri Olympics. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality St.Louis Missouri Olympics paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in St.Louis Missouri Olympics, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your St.Louis Missouri Olympics paper at affordable prices !


During this past summer in St.Louis Missouri the summer Olympics for 104 took place. These summer games were only the third of its kind so far. The first two took place in 186 in Athens then in 100 in Paris. These games were not so much competitive but the athletes tried their hardest and would stop at nothing to win, even if it meant cheating or taking different substances. In these summer games mostly Americans and Canadians attended. Out of 681athletes 55 of those were from the United States.

These athletes had to find their own way of getting to the games and had to find their own places to stay. This is why it was mostly American competitors, because as we all know transportation/rooms are expensive and hitchhiking isnt easy.

The games were originally going to take place in Chicago, but President Roosevelt wanted the games in St.Louise because the Exposition was being held at the same time there. The Expositions organizers built a permanent gymnasium and stadium which could hold 5 000 people. The Olympics games took place there and lasted for five days.

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Unfortunately the games did not have a very successful outcome over all. Also whoever was the minority at these games had to compete in separate games against each other. These were known as the Anthropology Days which occurred on August 1 and 1, 104.

Some of the unusual games held at the Olympics this summer were mud fighting, rock throwing, pole climbing and spear throwing. These games were not a big hit and will hopefully not be continued in further Olympics.

As stated before, these summer games were some what of a disaster. To give you an idea of the events that happened which were not positive experiences, we followed one race which has an almost unbelievable story.

The race was ran in a very humid 0+ degrees and had a length of 40 km in total. The race began with the runners running five laps around the track then they were to leave the stadium. Once they were out of the stadium they began running on windy dirt roads that lead the racers up and down hills for a long way. The corse was marked with red flags and the runners were followed by doctors, judges and reporters. As a result of this, the runners were forced to eat dirt because all the dirt was being unsettled and clouded the air.

The first athlete to cross the finish line was a man known as Lorz. As Lorz was posing for pictures and going to except his award it was found out that he had cheated.

Lorz had experienced cramps during the race and climbed into an automobile. The automobile had driven Lorz for a total of eleven minutes before it broke down, which was when Lorz got out and began to run the race to the end. So Lorz was disqualified and did not receive the gold medal.

The second athlete to cross the finish line was a British man named Tomas Hicks. Tomas was carried over the finish line by his two trainers, he then collapsed and it took several doctors to make him stable enough to leave the stadium. Luckily he survived but he had come very close to death. All this was caused by his trainers and how badly they wanted him to finish the race to win.

They had given Tomas an oral dose of strychnine sulfate in egg whites and even had to give him shots of brandy to keep him going. Needless to say they would stop at nothing to win.

Even after these two crazy tales, there is another that goes with this race. A Cuban postman named Felix had entered this race. He had saved up some money before coming but reportedly lost it all in craps. When he arrived at the race he had no running gear so the race was post-poned while he cut his shirt sleeves and pant legs off of his clothes. Felix looked to be a very promising competitor in the race, for he did not get tired easily. Unfortunately it was a bad case of the munchies that ruined it for this man.

While running he stole peaches from someone but yet he was not satisfied, so he then turned off the running path into an orchard and began to eat the apples. Evidently he got cramps, dropped out of the race for a while then continued running and ended up with 4th place.

You can now see how these games were not of great success, and we can only hope that more thought and pre-cautions will take place before the next Olympics.

Please note that this sample paper on St.Louis Missouri Olympics is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on St.Louis Missouri Olympics, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on St.Louis Missouri Olympics will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Jobille. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Jobille paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Jobille, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Jobille paper at affordable prices ! Jollibee is one of the Philippines phenomenal business success stories. Starting in 175 as a two-branch ice cream parlor, it later expanded its menu to include hot sandwiches and other meals. With encouraging success, Jollibee Foods Corporation was incorporated in 178 with seven outlets to fully explore the possibilities of a hamburger concept. Thus was born the company that revolutionized the fast food industry in the Philippines.

In 184, Jollibee reached the P500 million sales mark, catapulting the company into the list of Top 500 Philippine Corporations. In 187, barely 10 years in the business, the company joined the ranks of the Philippines Top 100 Corporations. It then became the first Philippine fast food chain to break the P1 billion sales mark in 18. In 1, Jollibee became the first food service company to be listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange; thus broadening its capitalization and laying the groundwork for sustained expansion locally and beyond the Philippines.

Undisputed leadership

Jollibee is the countrys leading fast food chain. The size, geographic expanse and breadth of the companys operations have grown exponentially - from a handful of Jollibee stores twenty-five years ago to over 400 stores in the Philippines and several international stores in countries like the United States and Hong Kong. It is now an international brand with phenomenal milestones that has made millions of Filipinos proud.

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But Jollibees leadership is not only reflected by market share (the company enjoys more than half of the entire fast food industry); numerous local and global awards attest to this as well.

Expanding market coverage

In line with its long-term goal to be the dominant food service leader in the country, the company acquired Greenwich Pizza in 14 enabling it to penetrate the pizza-pasta segment. From a 50-branch operation, Greenwich has established a strong presence in the food service industry. A year later the company acquired the franchise of Delifrance, an international food company. This further expanded its penetration in the food service industry particularly in the French caf�-bakery, a growing segment of the Philippine food market. In 000, the strategic acquisition of Chowking solidified the companys position as the dominant leader and allowed it to have leadership in a major fast food market - the Oriental quick service restaurant segment. The incorporation has revitalized Chowking; providing a platform for the growth of the business and further increasing the enterprise value of the Jollibee Group.

Recipe for success

The foundation of Jollibees rapid growth has been its strategy to establish dominant market coverage complemented by its superior menu line-up, creative marketing programs and efficient manufacturing and logistics facilities in support of its widening restaurant chain. It is powered by teams of well-trained individuals embracing the culture of integrity and humility, working in a family-like environment of fun and togetherness.

As a corporate citizen, Jollibee is also committed to serve its host communities. The company not only nourishes bodies but also peoples spirits through countless socio-civi projects.

A triumph for and of the Filipino

Jollibee dedicates its continuous success to those who have supported the company from the very start - the Filipino people.

Jollibee has grown to be so well loved that every time a new store is opened, especially overseas, Filipinos form long queues to the store without fail. It is not just a place where they feel at home; it is a stronghold of heritage, a monument of Filipino victory.

Day in, day out, Jollibee serves over one million Filipinos who flock to its more than 400 stores all over the country. In ways, small and grand, Jollibees tasty food, cheerful service and friendly crew touch the lives of so many people who leave its stores with happy memories that will last long after that birthday party, first date or even just that simple meal a customer had when he dropped in one rainy day.

From a modest beginning, Jollibee has grown to become not only the number one fast food chain in the Philippines with over 400 stores nationwide, but is also an international brand that has the distinction of being one of the worlds most admired companies by the Far Eastern Economic Review. But Jollibee is not stopping here. To reinforce Jollibees capability to enhance it leadership and build growth, the Management embarked on a broad range of strategic initiatives.

Since its starting 175, the company has expanded tremendously. The phenomenal growth is attributed to the companys unwavering quest to serve and delight the Filipino customer as well as its ability to anticipate and adapt to the ever-changing market environment.

Jollibee continues to push its store network expansion maintaining lead over competition, focused on optimum results from right -sized stores on the best site selection in trading territory. This ensures effective and efficient market coverage.

To meet the challenges of a more intensely competitive market and to manage the business more effectively, the company undertook a major initiative to re-align the structure of Jollibee Philippines. The new organization, which has successfully been put in place, has the capacity of enhancing continued dominance in the quick service industry. In 000 Jollibee Philippines was decentralized into four autonomous Regional Business Units (RBU), corresponding to the countrys major geographic markets Mega Manila, North Luzon, South Luzon and Visayas-Mindanao.

The decentralization has structured each RBU into a more manageable business size and span of control. Key support functions like human resources and administration, finance and network development have been transferred to the RBU for greater efficiency in the delivery of products and services, quicker coordination and more timely decision-making.

The Head Office/Corporate Services functions (Marketing, Finance, Restaurant Systems, Engineering) have been re-aligned as Support Center to provide continuing assistance to the RBUs and provide corporate-level directions.

The new structure has proven to be more responsive to the needs and challenges of a rapidly growing organization and an even more dynamic market. The program has resulted to better execution of programs and renewed enthusiasm and commitment from the Jollibee people.

Parallel to all of the above initiatives is the continuous improvement of operating productivity and efficiency across the Jollibee fastfood chain. It continues to initiate improvements on equipment and facilities as well as store procedures to generate faster volume turnover and achieve better quality in the delivery of products.

Jollibee remains firm in its resolve to maintain its dominance in the fastfood industry. It will continue to push forward with its strategic programs and aggressively pursue further network expansion to ensure superior market coverage nationwide. Most importantly, it will continually apply itself to the paramount task of consistently delivering superior tasting products at the most affordable prices and services of the highest standards in a bright and clean store environment.

Jollibees advertising is deeply rooted in the traditional Filipino values of family and love for children. Fueled by Filipino creativity, its expression Atin ang Langhap Sarap! is anchored on its products unique taste and superiority.

It aims to be perpetually in the public consciousness through television, radio, print, cinema advertisements and billboards. The company also sponsors selected community activities. Moreover, premium items and toys are offered to bring home and display on the toy shelf.

Likewise, as a way to ensure that the superior equity is sustained and a strong, cohesive and comprehensive visual identification in all Jollibee stores is created, a system - wide Jollibee retail identity was initiated. The international graphic design group, Addison was commissioned to formulate the new retail identity that is more dynamic and fun-oriented. The new retail identity is an integrated system encompassing the total restaurant design from the menu-board and various signages, the dining equipment and area, to the Playland and other facilities.

The product menu is continually reviewed to sustain consumer excitement. Existing products are improved and re-launched. New products are test-marketed in keeping with the strategy of having a continuing fresh line up of products. All these to respond to customers changing needs and preferences which has been a major factor in Jollibees success.

At the forefront of innovative marketing and advertising program are the Value Meal product upgrades and additions. This has indeed proven to be an effective response to the narrowing consumer spending power brought about by the current economic crunch.

Jollibee owns the children market and will endeavor to keep its stronghold on this segment. Hence, Jollibee continues with its Jolly Kiddie Meal promotions, offering a choice of Regular Yum, Spaghetti Special or Chickenjoy

Welcome to the International Operations Site of Jollibee Foods Corporation. JFC now has 8 restaurants operating in 7 countries - and we continue to grow!

JFC reported unaudited consolidated recurring net income of Php85 million for 18, up % over the Php647 million in 17. This translates to earnings per share of Php0.05, an increase of % over Php0.75 in 17.

However, net income including the extraordinary gain of Php million in 18 and the extraordinary loss of Php05 million in 17, amounted to Php876 million for 18, an increase of 8% over the Php44 million in 17. This translates to earnings per share of Php0.8, an increase of 85% over the Php0.50 in 17.

Consolidated revenues increased by 1% to Php11.6 billion from Php8. billion in 17. Revenues and earnings were driven by system wide sales were Php14.5 billion in 18, 0% higher than the Php11. billion in 17.

The very satisfactory financial result we achieved in the weaker economic climate of 18 is a reflection of the relative resiliency of the fast-food sector, as well as the strong business focus that we have endeavored to maintain in the company, Tony Caktiong, JFC President and Chief Executive Officer said.

We are also fortunate to have a very healthy balance sheet with a strong net cash position during these challenging times, he continued. In conjunction with the successful public offering of 0 million Jollibee warrants affiliate Queenbee Resources Corporation in March, Jollibee raised Php1. billion of additional equity through the sale of 7. million new common shares. This enabled the company to retire its entire dollar-denominated debt.

The Company - the countrys largest fast-food corporation - exceeded its planned expansion goals during the year. Jollibee had a net addition of 5 stores in the Philippines in 18 and ended the year with 0 outlets. Greenwich added 48 new stores in 18 for a total of 16 stores nationwide at year-end.

Tan Caktiong said he believed that Greenwich has gained the leadership in the pizza-pasta market segment. In 18 it contributed about Php billion in system wide sales, 85% higher than the previous year.

Tan also noted that despite the very satisfactory performance registered by the Company for the year, Jollibee continues to be concerned about the current economic environment. He cited the continued foreign exchange volatility that affects costs. We are likewise concerned about the growing unemployment level and declining disposable incomes of domestic and overseas workers in the light of the economic slowdown both here and abroad, he said. This, he explained, will lead to weaker overall consumer demand.

Despite the difficult environment, JFC expressed confidence that it can maintain its momentum in the medium-term on the basis of its strong leadership in the fast-food industry. The Company was named the Philippines leading company by the Far Eastern Economic Review in its annual survey of Asias top corporations and was cited its strong management, business focus, and its financial prudence. JFC also won recognition as the Employer of the Year by the Personnel Management Association of the Philippines for 18.

JFCs meat processing plant at its Pasig commissary was recently awarded ISO 00 certification, becoming the first meat plant in the country to get distinction

NOTHING IN THE INNER sanctum of Tony Tan Caktiong tells you he is CEO, president and key shareholder of Jollibee, the largest and most profitable fast-food chain in the Philippines. The room is intended solely for thinking and doing. No paintings hang on the beige walls. The floors gray vinyl tiles are bare except for an executive desk and a glass-topped conference table. The CEO himself, who declines to be photographed, can be mistaken for an underling. His white long-sleeved shirt rolled at the cuffs, the youthful Tan, 46, is puzzled by questions about how Jollibee managed to prosper despite the Asian Crisis. We have been providing value and being very cost-conscious all this time, he says. We just made sure we continued doing these things.

Lateral thinking helped. Jollibee borrowed $8. million in foreign currency in 16. When the peso plunged 0% against the dollar the next year, interest payments took a big bite out of earnings. Profit in 17 fell 7% in peso terms to 441.7 million pesos ($11 million) on sales of 7. billion pesos ($180 million). Jollibees solution tap foreign investors. But Philippine law prohibits non-Filipinos from owning a retail operation. So the company issued warrants backed by common stock it held in trust. The debt was wiped out - and Jollibee also ended up with $1 million in cash. Unaudited 18 results indicate that profit soared 8% to $.4 million on turnover of $71 million. And earnings in January to March this year topped $5.8 million, up 4% in pesos from the same period in 18.

Crisis? What Crisis? Asian companies like Jollibee prove that not all boats sink when a super-typhoon strikes. Well-managed corporations that boast a ship-shape franchise can emerge as winners. Their stock price may languish. But long-term investors will be supportive - even if, as in Jollibees case, what is on offer are just warrants, which carry no voting rights and have no first claim on dividends (although cash and stock dividends due the underlying common shares are credited to warrant holders in the form of additional warrants the company buys from the market). When the recovery comes, expect the Crisis survivors to perform even better. Last week, Jollibees strong first-quarter earnings propelled its stock 11% from its lowest point last year (click here for chart). The warrants have gained 1% from the offering price of 1.5 pesos in March last year.

To be sure, the 1-year-old Jollibee has a built-in advantage. It is in the food business, an industry that is almost recession-proof - people have to eat in good times and bad. A number of Asias food, beverage and tobacco companies are doing well (click here for chart). But not everyone. McGeorge, the McDonalds franchise holder in the Philippines, imports a significant portion of its ingredients. The private company reported income of $45,000 on sales of $77.5 million in 17, for a profit margin of 0.4% (Jollibee 6.1%). While analysts estimate McDonalds share of the $760-million Philippine fast-food market at 0%, Jollibee has been notching double-digit annual growth to claim more than half of total sales last year. Its the only fast-food chain in the world that is dominating at this rate, says Colbert Nocom, research director of ING Baring in Manila.

What Jollibee has done is to follow Western business models to sell food suited to Philippine tastes. We have always benchmarked ourselves against other firms, says Tan. We looked at McDonalds because it is the giant in fast food worldwide. But we also looked at Singapore Airlines and Walt Disney. Jollibees 08 burger-and-chicken restaurants and 16 pizza outlets sport the clean and well-lighted look of a McDonalds and operate with the pared-down efficiency of Singapore Airlines. Its marketing zeal - Jollibee spends 4% of gross sales on advertising - is Disney-like. It was able to change the food preferences of an entire generation by bombarding the nation with ads, says Nocom.

McDonalds, which set up shop in the Philippines in 181, three years after Jollibee was started, is playing catch-up. McGeorge owner George Yang will spend $50 million in the next five years to double the number of Golden Arches to 400. McDonalds has started selling Pinoyburger, a juicier and sweeter product similar to Jollibees Yumburger. It is also trying to reach not only Westernized urbanites but also the much more numerous middle and lower classes, Jollibees main base.

But Jollibee is also on the move. With the Crisis, we made sure we had value meals at different price points, so that no matter what the consumers budget, Jollibee has something delicious to offer, says Regina Navarrete, vice president for marketing. Jollibee also held price increases at 8.5% to McDonalds 10%, says Dipak Jethwa of OCBC Securities. The countrys inflation rate was .7% last year. The Crisis pulled in new customers as high-income families cut spending. Some switched from gourmet restaurants to fast food, says Tan.

Jollibee is counting on expansion at home and abroad to continue growing. It aims to add 44 new burger-and-chicken outlets and 40 pizza parlors by the end of the year. Some will be awarded to franchisees, who will need to put up at least $500,000. Jollibee is also expanding overseas, although its record there is mixed. A restaurant that opened last June in Daly City, California, which has a large Philippine population, is grossing $1,000 a day. But outlets in Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates folded last year. Tan says Philippine contract workers in these places prefer to save their money. Jollibees ice cream and doughnut shops have also been closed, while a decision is awaited on outlets serving bakery items and roast chicken.

These missteps aside, analysts give Jollibee high marks for experienced management. Tien Doe of Jardine Fleming says the Philippine market is big enough to support 60 more Jollibee outlets. But that will require upward of $10 million in fresh expenditures. Tan says there are no plans to issue new warrants to raise fresh capital, but Jollibee may get foreign money if the countrys retail law is amended, a measure strongly backed by President Joseph Estrada. Yum, yum.


In good times and bad, people have to eat. And drink. And maybe smoke. Asiaweek screened the regions 44 food, beverage and tobacco companies to find the most consistent growth stocks. Our criteria at least 10% earnings-per-share growth in the past five years, at least 10% forecast EPS growth in 1, 000 and 001, and a consensus recommendation of buy or strong buy by analysts. Ten companies - .% of the total - made it. The hot stocks

COMPANY MARKET CAP$ million 1 (f) EPS [Growth] 000 (f) EPS [Growth] 001 (f) EPS [Growth] 1 p/e 000 p/e 001 p/e

Gudang Garam (Indonesia) ,817.00 $0.10 [.1%] $0.1 [4.%] $0.15 [4.%] 0.7 16.7 1.

Ito En Ltd. (Japan) ,077.0 $0.8 [47.%] $1.11 [5.%] $1.6 [1.%] 75. 60.6 5.5

Nestle India 1,157.0 $0. [.0%] $0.5 [0.6%] $0.4 [1.4%] 41. 4. 8.

Britannia (India) 67.1 $0.4 [6.7%] $0.65 [.%] $0.86 [1.4%] 68.6 51.8 .5

Hokuto Corp. (Japan) 57.6 $0. [107.%] $1.07 [16.%] $1. [4.8%] .4 8.7

Jollibee Foods (Philippines) 40.8 $0.0 [85.%] $0.0 [.5%] $0.04 [1.8%] 1.7 17.7 14.5

Cadbury (India) 41 $0. [7.6%] $0.4 [0.7%] $0.5 [.8%] 55.6 4.6 4.4

Rock Field (Japan) 51. $0.5 [16.%] $0.71 [1.6%] $0.87 [.7%] 8. 1.4 5.6

Lotte Confectionery (Korea) 18.1 $8.68 [7.8%] $15.88 [8.%] $1.4 [1.8%] 15. 8.4 6.

Godfrey Philips (India) 160.6 $1.0 [16.7%] $1.17 [14.7%] $1. [1.%] 15.1 1. 11.7

Jollibees latest audited figures are for the period Jan.-Dec. 17, so the earning-per-share and p/e figures are for 18, 1 and 000. EPS figures are mean forecasts by stock market analysts following each company. Market capitalization and price-earnings ratios are based May 7 closing stock prices. Source I/B/E/S Inc.

Please note that this sample paper on Jobille is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Jobille, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Jobille will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. paper at affordable prices ! I believe that no matter what color you are you should be treated equally. Dr.Martin

Luther King,Jr. was a great man and even if you tried to punch him he would not fight

which is a stronger person to me.

Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that his kids would not have to go

Custom writing service can write essays on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.

through the pain that he had to go through and no matter what color you were you would

get treated equal and that all kids can walk hand in hand together. I think that if

Dr.Martin Luther King,

Jr. was still alive that he would be happy. But he would keep on trying until every one

stop acting like they were better because of their color.

I wish that no one would have killed Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. because he

would be proud of how little there is of segregation. I think that the person who killed

Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. was most likely some one who wants to think he is better than

a black man or woman. I wish that there never was a time when you were black and you

had to have big sit ins so you would be served.

Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired a lot of people in what he did. I think he

inspired more than just black people, but everyone. I think that Dr.Martin Luther King,

Jr. was the one who made white people stop acting like they were better than a black


Some times I wonder what the world would be like if Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.

was never born. Would we have as much freedom as we do,would we be able to walk

hand in hand no matter what color we were? This is what I ask myself . I also ask if

Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr was just born would we have still had black people suffering

from the white peoples actions. I wish that no one would try to be better than the next

person and until that stops there will always be some one who is prejudice.

I believe that Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. reached his dream and also I think that he

made kids and adults of all ages know that if you don't give up you can reach your dream

too. I have a dream that people of any color will be able to go to a hospital and even if

you don't have any money. Just because you don't have money you are still hurt and

might even die and you are poor. I think that government should pay for people with out

any money but if you have money pay for it.

Everyone has a dream but not everyone can share it like Dr.Martin Luther King,

Jr. did I think that Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. would never have given up and for how

long he lived he didn't give up.

Please note that this sample paper on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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