If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY? paper at affordable prices !

At the beginning of the play, Eddie and Catherine have a very intimate and happy relationship. Eddie has given her the best life he can afford, and in return Catherine loves and trusts him completely. However, their situation changes quite rapidly once Beatrice's cousins arrive from Italy. After their arrival, a gap seems to form between Eddie and Catherine. Eddie gradually becomes obsessed with trying to stop destiny from changing his life. This obsession soon leads to the violation of every moral he has ever believed in.

Through out the first scene it is impossible not to notice Catherine's desire to be noticed by Eddie. Her excitement when he arrives home is almost childlike. She is very keen for his approval, and asks at every opportunity if he likes her hair or skirt. It is also at this very early point in the play that the audience might get suspicious of Eddie's true feelings for Catherine. This is a result of his constant comments on her physical appearance. While Eddie's references to her short skirt and her " walkin' wavy', could just be a protective father's worries about the attention she is getting from other men, his intentions are still questionable. In his mind, now that she is wearing high heels and " walkin' wavy ' she is drifting away from him. When he tells her this, she shows her naivety and vulnerability in crying because he disapproves. The intensity of Eddie's protection for Catherine would have been considered odd, as most girls of her age, at that time were already married.

Eddie gets hit with this feeling of being left behind once again in this scene when Catherine tells him that she been offered a job as a secretary. At first, he refuses to let her accept the job, but when Beatrice tells him that he is stifling her, he agrees, "with a sense of her childhood, babyhood and the years'.

Eddie does not want Catherine to accept the job, because he wants her to finish school and get a proper education. From his own experiences, he knows that "you'll never get nowheres unless you finish school.' Eddie wants her to have a better life than his, and in this way acts as a typical father. He admires her for continuing her education, and he uses complements such as "you look like one of them girls who went to college', to let her know his admiration. Eddie shows his disappointment when she tells him about the job.

He does not like the idea of her working in a place where there would be men, who he knows from his own experiences, could take advantage of his pure and innocent Catherine. Eddie shows that this is how he thinks of her, when he calls her "a Madonna'. This idea of her being pure and innocent also explains his resentment towards other men who could be attracted to her as they are therefore violating, and de-purifying her. The way in which Miller uses the word "Madonna' is symbolic as just like the Virgin Mary, who most Catholics (such as Eddie) worship, in his own way Eddie does almost idolise and worship Catherine.

When Eddie finally allows her to accept the job, Catherine's reaction is very childlike in the way she does not control her emotions. She runs up to Eddie and hugs him. It is at this point, that the audience realises the intensity of Catherine's love and respect for Eddie. This is not only because of her reply to Eddie when he jokes about her leaving him, but because of the way she "grasps' onto his arms, as she shouts out "no please!' The very idea of going away from Eddie hurts her.

In this first section of the play Miller shows what a loving and protective relationship Eddie and Catherine have. The audience also becomes subtly aware of the unconscious sexual feelings Eddie has for Catherine.

In the next section of the play, the arrival of the cousins, especially the youngest, Rudlopho, fascinates Catherine. Catherine again voices her opinion on his "practically blond' hair and in doing so shows her naivety and innocence. Eddie notices this fascination and tries to pre-occupy Catherine with making coffee and other tasks.

Later in the conversation when Rudlopho begins to sing "paper doll', Eddie realises that Catherine is "enthralled' in him and decides he has to stop him. He does this by using the plausible excuse of them being "picked up' by the immigration. When Rudlopho stops immediately, Eddie realises his authority over everyone and he rises "with iron control'. This new found authority causes him to tease Catherine about her heels, by calling her "Garbo', in reference to the actress Greta Garbo. Catherine however has changed even in a matter of a few hours with Rudolpho and shows her anger but she still rather obediently changes her shoes.

In this section of the play, Catherine has found someone new and has almost replaced Eddie. In the same way as she used to fight for Eddie's attention, she now fights for Rudolphos. The arrival of the cousins has also affected Eddie. He now feels in charge and is willing to embarrass his Catherine just so he can stop the attraction.

When Rudolpho and Catherine come back from the cinema, Rudolpho tries to make conversation with Eddie, but he is quite rude and insists that he has to talk to Catherine, alone. He tries to express his feelings and while doing so tries to be affectionate by calling her "Katie'. He tries to tell her his worries about her drifting away from him. When this does not he tries to explain to her that Rudolpho is only "goin' with her' for his American passport. This scene is the beginning of the end, for their relationship. As when Eddie says this Catherine loses control and tells him that she "wishes to hell' that he stopped it. This line in the play is important as it shows how much Catherine is repulsed by Eddie. It also shows how many things have changed in such a small amount of time, Catherine is now ready to swear at Eddie to prove her point, something she would never have done at the start of the play.

In the next section, Eddie goes to Alfieri, a lawyer, because he wants to stop the relationship legally. In his speech Alfieri describes eddies eyes, as "tunnels' this shows the audience how obsessed he already is with Catherine and Rudolphos relationship. In his speech Eddie shows just how much Catherine means to him. He wanted her to have a better life then him, and now he feels that she has been stolen from him. Alfieri tries to put into words that there "is too much love' and that "it sometimes goes where it mustn't'. Eddie does not understand what he is trying to say and because of this Alfieri has to actually say, "she can't marry you can she Eddie?' It is at this point that the audience is assured that all of Eddie's sexual desires for Catherine are sub- conscious.

The last section in this act, is when everyone realises that there is a problem. While talking about Italy, Rudolpho mentions that it is "more strict in our town'. Eddie uses this as way of showing that he does not like the way he is out so late with Catherine. Her love for Rudolpho is shown when she challenges Eddie's authority when she asks Rudolpho to dance. Eddie freezes and starts to make a speech about how he can sing, dance, cook, and make dresses. Through out the speech he constantly makes remarks questioning Rudolpho's sexuality.

In this section, Catherine shows that she is not Eddie's little girl any more and that she does not want be. When Eddie challenges Rudolpho to a fight, Catherine is fearful for Rudolpho's safety, showing that if necessary she will take his side.

In this first section of act , Catherine admits to being scared of Eddie, as she knows her love for Rudolpho is making him angry and that this anger can only result in violence. She is confused, as she cannot understand how loving Rudolpho, which is so natural to her can be hurting Eddie so much. In her speech, Catherine sounds very much so like Eddie's wife, "I can tell from a block a way if he's blue in his mind… I can tell you if he is hungry or wants a beer.' Over the years, the family has evolved and Eddie has pushed her into believing that she can be a better wife than Bea can. This is making it harder for Catherine as she does not want to "make a stranger out of him', but she also wants to marry Rudolpho. At the end of this section, Eddie kisses both Catherine and Rudolpho; this shows the audience the intensity of his obsession.

This obsession soon leads him to contact the immigration bureau as a last attempt of breaking them up. In doing this he shows how he has been taken over, he is not only betraying the cousins and his own morals, but also Catherine who is the person he is trying to protect.

At this point in the play, Catherine still loves Eddie although he has changed so much, but she no longer acts like a child. She appears almost business like, she is in control, when Eddie tries to persuade her out of the wedding, her answer is simply, "no we've made it up already. However, when the immigration officers come to "pick up' the cousins, she turns into an animal, trying to protect the man she loves.

It is only at this point in the play that Catherine truly hates Eddie, the one man who she has loved and respected her whole life, has betrayed her. She shows her raw emotion as she says, "to hell with Eddie!' and calls him a rat that belongs in the rubbish. This part of act , is the complete opposite of the happy family at the beginning of the play. It is at this point that Bea finally puts Eddie's true feelings in words. Catherine is horrified and Eddie is described as shocked, horrified, agonised, crying out. At the start of the play there was an intense relationship between Eddie and Catherine, and Bea was pushed out, but now be is the person who is trying to reunite the family.

In conclusion, throughout the play, Eddie feels very complex, sub-conscious, sexual desires for Catherine. He feels frustrated that another man is getting the attention that he wants so desperately. To make matters worse in his mind the person who is taking his place is not even a proper man. As Alfieri says in the prologue, "everyone settles for half' this is Eddie's problem, he will not settle for half. In the past, this determination has never been a problem; in fact, it has helped him look after Catherine the best he is able. However, now that Eddie's desire is Catherine it becomes a problem. He cannot have her without breaking his morals, but he cannot live without her, without breaking his heart. In a way, Eddie's only answer was to go about things the Italian way, to the death. After all what else could end a play about obsessive love, jealousy, and betrayal?

Up until and throughout act 1, Catherine has led quite a sheltered life, although she has grown up in quite a violent neighbourhood. This is why she does not realise what the consequences of her actions could mean. In her mind Eddie is just trying to ruin her life, she cannot see that Eddie is gradually becoming more obsessive about her. This is why in act two she starts to show her strength of character. She seems to grow up more. However, her hostility towards Eddie all ends at the end of the play in Eddie's final moments, is all taken back in her last line, "Eddie, I never meant to do anything bad to you.' I think this line shows that although their relationship did not change, it just developed. After all, at the beginning of the play, the atmosphere was almost unnatural, but towards the end, the relationship was mature.

Please note that this sample paper on HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on HOW DO YOU THINK THAT EDDIE AND CATHERINE'S RELATIONSHIP CHANGES AND DEVELOPS IN THE PLAY? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Aborting Fetuses. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Aborting Fetuses paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Aborting Fetuses, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Aborting Fetuses paper at affordable prices !

Aborting Fetuses

Nowadays, many young people use drugs because they are pressured by their friends. Others use drugs because they think it is fun and cool. Couples who use fertility drugs should have the option of aborting fetuses. Because pregnant mothers take risks while using drugs, couples that are addicted are not really capable of taking care of their babies and many of the babies suffer and have different effects.

First, pregnant mothers take risks while using drugs. Many mothers think it is easy to take any kind of medication while pregnant. What they don't know is that they have to go through different doctors to take any kind of medication. Some mothers are not responsible for their babies and themselves. They take different kinds of drugs, such as, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, etc. One of my friends just had a baby, and she was dating a guy that was using drugs before her pregnancy. When she was having her baby, all of the check ups were good. They told her that it was a healthy baby. After two months, the little baby girl was born. The baby got sick, and they had to take her to the hospital because her lungs were not working. She stayed in the hospital for two weeks. The doctors told the mom that in the future the baby was going to have problems breathing because of the drugs that the father had been using before. Many couples think it is not important to take care of their babies but it is not true. They have to give their lives for them. That is why the mothers have to be really careful when using medication or any kind of drug that is assigned by the doctor.

Second, couples that are addicted are not really capable of taking care of their babies. Many couples just want to keep themselves happy, and they forget about their babies. In the streets one sees people walking asking for money they use the phrase, My friend, I haven't eaten, can I have a quarter or some change?" Almost all of the people are not saying the truth. Many just want to have some change to waste in alcohol and drugs. Many of them are mothers that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I come across a lady that was walking by my house she was about thirty years old she asked me for money and I asked her what she needed the money for. She was very honest and told me "I need to by some kind of drug to calm down the pain that I have because I am pregnant. She didn't have a choice because the hospitals were too expensive and she could not afford it. I took her to the hospital and she thanked me. There are many ways women can get help from other people while pregnant. The only thing they have to do is ask.

Last, many of the babies suffer and have different effects. The parents are not concerned of the problems that they can cause the babies. If a parent takes drugs the babies can be deformed when they are born. In a TV show called Real TV, there are many cases of parents that have taken drugs while pregnant. Some of the babies become addicted to the drug that the mother is taking; the babies need the drugs after they are born. The babies might have a disability after they are born because of the parents, addiction to drug. It is better for many babies not to suffer in life. The mother must have the decision to whether to abort or not to abort their babies. Because the mother is going to have the regrets after her baby is born.

In conclusion, couples who use fertility drugs should have the option of aborting fetuses; the pregnant mother take risks while using drugs; couples that are addicted are not really capable of taking care of their babies; and many of the babies suffer and have different effects. This is a hard decision to make because it is a life in someone's hands. Most of the times is better for the babies and their mother.

Please note that this sample paper on Aborting Fetuses is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Aborting Fetuses, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Aborting Fetuses will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Transportation in the European union. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Transportation in the European union paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Transportation in the European union, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Transportation in the European union paper at affordable prices ! The transport industry occupies an important position in the Community, accounting for 7 % of its GNP, 7 % of total employment, 40 % of Member States investment and 0 % of Community energy consumption. Demand, particularly in intra-Community traffic, has grown more or less constantly for the last 0 years, by . % a year for goods and .1 % for passengers.

The advent of the single market marked a turning point in the common transport policy, since the abolition of frontiers and other liberalization measures. Of course in those measures the liberalization of cabotage was also included. But the liberalization of transport has taken various constraints into account

• A social constraint, so that the freedom to provide services does not result in the strictest national legislation being bypassed. Liberalization of services has therefore been accompanied by harmonization of social conditions, of the rules governing the provision of services and of qualifications;

• An economic constraint, so that investment in infrastructure is not exploited by transport undertakings which play no part in their financing this is of particular concern to the road transport sector. Measures should also be taken to make sure that the way rail transport is organized does not perpetuate the current fragmented state of this form of transport;

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• a route-guarantee constraint, so that the introduction of new factors of competition does not put in doubt the continuity of transport links between peripheral (island) and central (mainland) areas.

The measures that had already been taken on transport liberalization have been adapted, in the way that they were applied, to the specific nature of each mode of transport. The common aim for each mode was to proceed from the provision of an international service (between two Member States) to cabotage (transport in another Member State).

First we are going to examine the carriage of goods by road. More specifically from 1 January 1, a haulier established in a Member State of the Community may freely transport goods to another Member State. Until this date, such an operation would require special authorization in application of bilateral agreements or Community quotas, from that date on, the right to conduct this business was based on quality conditions, which transport operators must observe and which entitle them to receive a Community transport licence. However, such transnational activity must not result in serious disruption to the transport market and, for that reason, the Council introduced a surveillance system offering a safeguard mechanism against market disruption. In a single market, a haulage operator should also be able to carry out transport in another Member State (cabotage). This natural progression has given rise to fears of distortion of competition. For that reason the system of cabotage has been introduced gradually since 1 July 10 in the form of progressive Community quotas and will come into force on 1 July 18. The liberalization of the cabotage system was accompanied by the adoption of supporting arrangements on motorway taxes, thus allowing use of the infrastructure to be subject to taxation, but on a non-discriminatory basis.

In the resolutions of 4 October 14 and 1 June 15, the Council introduced the need to pursue completion of the internal market in this sector, as far as the removal of quantitative restrictions on market access and of price regulations is concerned. They also argued that a liberalized internal market requires harmonization of the conditions essential for fair competition and their more or less uniform application and enforcement.

From the other side we also have and the carriage of passengers by road. The passenger services from one Member State to another were free of constraints, the Community legislation made no provision for operators from one Member State to provide transport services in another Member State. More specifically the Council ,so as to apply the principle of the freedom to provide transport services, and following the Court of Justices annulment of Regulation (EEC) 454/, adopted a new Regulation on cabotage . This Regulation defined the various types of passenger transport for which cabotage was possible and also announced the liberalisation of special and occasional regular services and other regular services in June 1. Moreover in order to harmonise the conditions of competition for the carriage of goods and passengers by road, since the 170s the Community took a series of measures to harmonise the conditions for admission to the occupation of national and international road haulage operator and to allow effective freedom of establishment for such operators. Also the Community had already taken, and will continue to take, certain measures in order to improve road safety.

Rail transport is also very important. The Community wishes to make it easier for the Communitys railways to adapt to the demands of the single market and to make them more efficient. To help achieve this, it has proposed introducing an operating licence to provide uniform access to infrastructure and has established a system for ensuring that infrastructure capacity is allocated on a non-discriminatory basis and that users pay the full real cost of the facilities they use. In its White Paper of July 16 the Commission set out a strategy to revitalise the Communitys railways, notably by rationalising their financial situation, ensuring freedom of access to all traffic and public services and promoting the integration of national systems and social aspects. It has also legislated to ensure safety in the carriage of dangerous goods by rail.

After rail transport we have also the maritime transport which is by definition a liberalized activity. If it were not, nobody would benefit from the role this mode of transport plays in international trade. Only since 1 January 1 that cabotage by sea started to be phased in, as agreed in 1. The introduction of cabotage and the need for the Community to help improve the conditions for international maritime transport have resulted in the adoption of measures relating to competition policy, to the prevention of unfair pricing practices, to standards for ships engaged in the transport of dangerous goods and to working conditions. The conditions governing admission to the occupation have also been defined. The Community is also adopting legislation on maritime safety. As in the case of road and rail transport, the carriage of dangerous goods is one of the main causes for concern. In its communication of 1 March 16, approved by the Council on 1 December of the same year, the Commission reiterated three priorities in the development of maritime policies safety, maintenance of open markets and enhanced competitiveness.

In the field of the inland waterway transport, it benefited from the liberalisation of cabotage since 1 January 1, the main effect of that was the end of the rota system which prevented companies employing these services from having a free choice of carrier.

The Community policy on liberalising air transport covered four main areas market access, capacity control, fares and the issue of operating licences for companies. It was launched in 180 and had been implemented in three stages, with Stage , the third air transport package, coming into force on 1 January 1. A transitional period was laid down for air cabotage, which became reality only on 1 April 17. The cornerstones of this process were

• the introduction of a single air transport licence issued to air transport undertakings established in the Community;

• conditions for access to routes within the Community for air carriers;

• passenger fares including ways for the Commission to intervene directly in case of unfair pricing (predatory practices);

• freight services.

Liberalisation leaded to the creation of a genuine single market for air transport, so the Community harmonised many rules and Regulations for all airlines. In particular it had laid down technical standards and administrative procedures for fixing common standards for the airworthiness of aircraft, and had legislated on the mutual recognition of licences for people working in the civil aviation industry, allowing pilots to be recruited directly from any Member State. Lastly, the Community has laid down the procedures for applying competition rules to air carriers and to various types of agreement and concerted practice. Air safety is a further matter of concern to the Community, which had adopted a Directive laying down the ground rules for enquiries into air incidents in civil aviation. Lastly, in the White Paper Freeing Europes Airspace, the Commission advocates introducing a unified system of air traffic management.

After having analyzed all transport infrastructures it would be very useful to observe two comparison boards of those transport infrastructures in EU (European Union } and CES {Central European Countries} areas

As we can see from 10 to 000 the total length of motorways increased by 6%, but only around 5% of total corresponds to the CEC. The relative share of transport infrastructure is higher in the CEC when it comes to the rail network. The share here is around 0% of the combined total for EU plus CEC. The total length of the inland waterway network for the CEC is less than 5% of that of the EU. For maritime freight transport the top 10 ports in the EU handle more than 5 times the total of the top 10 ports in the CEC.

From the following board we can have a clear image of the transport infrastructures with statistical information about every country more specifically

According to the specific board in the EU three countries have the largest railway network, namely Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Concerning the motorway network, again Germany and France are in first and second position followed by Spain and Italy. As far as inland waterways are concerned, Germany, Finland, France and the Netherlands have much larger networks than most of the other countries.

Before summing up a quick view to the action programme of the EU shows us that the transport policy action programme sets out initiatives in three fundamental areas

• improving quality by developing integrated transport systems based on advanced technologies which also contribute to environmental and safety objectives;

• improving the functioning of the single market in order to promote efficiency, choice and user-friendly provision of transport services while safeguarding social standards;

• broadening the external dimension by improving transport links between the European Union and third countries and promoting the access of EU operators to transport markets in other parts of the world.

Moreover, aware of the need to take action on infrastructure charges and the external costs of the various transport modes, the Commission had also submitted a Green Paper on fair pricing in transport. This paper aimed to improve the balance between road and other modes of transport by considering how the costs arising from pollution, congestion and accidents can be better taken into account when calculating transport costs.

To sum up nowadays, Member States continue to operate a system of reciprocal bilateral transport agreements with third countries, and this is likely to create substantial distortion. Initiatives in this area include the conclusion of the Councils work on mandates for establishing road and air transport links with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the follow-up to the mandate for air transport negotiations with the USA and action on shipping. The Commission from its position tries by taking actions to give the European Union a more prominent role within international transport organizations.

Please note that this sample paper on Transportation in the European union is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Transportation in the European union, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Transportation in the European union will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Billy Elliot. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Billy Elliot paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Billy Elliot, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Billy Elliot paper at affordable prices !

... 46;s brother, who is older by some number of years, also works in the mines. The first impression that the viewer gets of Tony is that of a stereotypical big brother, who would give his younger sibling a slap round the head just for listening to his record collection. However, there is a lot more to Tony then just the big brother slant. Tony, who like his father, is on strike against the closure of the mines. He is young and hot headed, and prepared to go to the extremes in order to achieve his purposes. This is evident when he tries to arm himself against the riot police who are an imposing and faceless opposition, were deployed to stifle the protests made by the striking workers. Tony who is somewhat of a working class rebel, he has been hardened from working in the mines and can be very aggressive, this is evident in the scene where Tony and his father meet a non-striking mineworker in the supermarket. An action totally justified by the cause of the striking miners.

Tony, like his father, has found himself in a position where he has had to cope with the possibility of losing his entire future. He is emotionally unequipped with the ability to express himself properly so he does so by using the strike and picket lines as a medium to release his locked away emotions. Tony shares the same attitudes towards ballet that everyone else in the community has and he is deeply displeased to find that his younger brother has taken it up as his main pastime. I think that Tony sees this as just another problem, and this affects the relationship between he and Billy. Only when Billy gains acceptance and support from his family does Tony finally rebuild his bond with Billy.

After Billy gains support from his family, it seems that the entire community is feels the repercussions and all of their anti-artistic, anti-intellectual not to mention anti-gay prejudices disappear with Billy's elation. However unrealistic this seems, I feel it is a dramatic device to emphasise the acceptance and the broadening horizons of the Billy's family.

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Some of the characterisations tend to be overly simple and stereotypical. For example, Billy' friend Michael who is coming to terms with his homosexuality leans far to much towards the old stereotype of gay men w ...

Please note that this sample paper on Billy Elliot is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Billy Elliot, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Billy Elliot will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Chemistry - Aluminium. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Chemistry - Aluminium paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Chemistry - Aluminium, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Chemistry - Aluminium paper at affordable prices ! Once upon a time, in a far away land of Britain in 1807, a soft silvery-white solid's existence was first established by Sir Humphrey Davy. Davy was born in Penzance and was an apprenticed surgeon. He named his discovery alumium. Of course, this name was re-spelt by later scientists. However, although Davy underlined the existence and named aluminium, he did not succeed in actually producing any. Davy made numerous attempts to isolate aluminium by electrolyzing a fused mixture of aluminium oxide and potash, but was clearly unsuccessful.

It took many years of painstaking research to unleash the metal from its evil ore bauxite, a very common hard clay-like material containing 40% of aluminium oxide. It was only in 185, when a minute lump of Aluminium was produced by Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish chemist.

His work was further developed by Friederick Wohler of Germany in 1845, who successfully produced pin head sized aluminium.However, aluminium was considered expensive, as Oersted and Wohler's separation processes produced impure aluminium.

In 1886, aluminium was thought to have reached the peak of his fame. This costly and prized metal attracted a young American chemist by the name of Charles Martin Hall. He developed an inexpensive electrochemical method for the isolation of pure aluminium from aluminium-oxide.

Custom essays on Chemistry - Aluminium

Hall was born December 6th, 186 in Thompson, Ohio. His interest in chemistry became evident whilst a student at Oberlin College. Hall's focus on developing a new process for extracting aluminium began when his professor, Frank Fanning Jewett, offered a challenge to the students.

They were to find an economical method by which aluminium can be purely extracted. After graduation, Hall continued this challenge and on February rd, he successfully produced globules of Aluminium metal.

Soon after, Hall formed the aluminium Company of America and became a multi-millionaire. Coincidently, Paul Heroult, a French chemist also discovered this inexpensive process at the same age and year as Hall. Today's history books tell us that Hall and Heroult independently invented this reduction process. However, it is said that Heroult made the first discovery. Both of these highly skilled chemists died in 114. Thus, the commercially known chemical method is identified today as the Hall-Heroult process.

But not long after, the evil bauxite returned to cause more havoc. Until 1888, aluminium oxide remained trapped inside bauxite's clay-like realm and scientists had to work with small amounts of aluminium compounds. It took the brains of Karl Josef Bayer to unlock bauxite's secret. Bayer was born in 1847 in Germany and studied at the University of Heidelberg. His economic discovery is known today as the Bayer Process, which produces alumina (aluminium oxide) from bauxite. This process is vital for the production of aluminium metal. The Bayer Process and Hall-Heroult Process are widely used today.

Aluminium grew up to be a spectacular metal. In fact, it by far outshone copper in the metal family! This young family member is highly beneficial to us, as it provides reliable, safe and economical solutions to many problems.

Thanks to Sir Humphrey Davy, the element of the Periodic Table are all very pleased to have Aluminium as an addition to the family. Karl Bayer did us all a good deed to rid Alumina from Bauxite, Hall and Heroult combined their work to discover aluminium's independence and alumium himself proved to us that you don't have to be the heaviest, the noblest or the most malleable element of them all to shine. aluminum is currently living at atomic number 1 in the transition metals family. At one hundred and ninety six, he couldn't feel better!

Please note that this sample paper on Chemistry - Aluminium is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Chemistry - Aluminium, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Chemistry - Aluminium will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Gracy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Gracy paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Gracy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Gracy paper at affordable prices ! Gracey Essay

"He's different I'm different. We just don't have much in common any more."

How true is this statement by the end of the novel?

Its obvious that a traumatic experience like losing a loved one is going to bring people together so losing two people would most likely bring people even closer. This shows in how Gracey became closer to Dougy and visa-versa, but that's not the only reason these two became so close at the end of the novel. There were other factors that bought them together e.g. the finding of the bones brought them close also, this will be discussed in more detail further on.

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At the beginning of the novel Dougy and Gracey were very different Gracey was smart, gifted (her running), the schools they went to differed greatly and even how often they attended school was different. Mostly because of these differences Gracey and Dougy were so far apart at the start of the novel but as the novel progressed these differences faded away as they began to fight for the same cause.

Gracey and Dougy's differences showed in the way in which they fought for both the bones and the rights of the Aboriginals. Gracey was portrayed as having "the smarts" because she went to the library, whereas Dougy was shown as the one who did the gritty work of actually finding the bones. Though their methods were different their attitude and goal remained the same this is also part of the reason Gracey and Dougy become closer.

Gracey and Dougy were fighting on different levels Dougy was fighting for the bones as far as he knew but he was fighting for Aboriginal rights also. Gracey was using the "bones" as a sort of excuse for standing up for Aborigines. Then they both worked out that they were in a way fighting for the same things.

All of these occurrences helped to bring Gracey and Dougy closer together so by the end of the book Gracey's statement was and wasn't true on one hand Gracey and Dougy had something in common, the fight for the bones and Aboriginal rights, on the other hand they still are very different Dougy will never be as smart as Gracey nor as fast or be as committed to school, its almost as if Dougy is doomed to becoming a drunk dole bludger although seeing what alcohol did to his brother might make him fly straight, either way Gracey's statement wasn't entirely correct or entirely wrong.

Please note that this sample paper on Gracy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Gracy, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Gracy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Life Lessons from a Diabetic. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Life Lessons from a Diabetic paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Life Lessons from a Diabetic, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Life Lessons from a Diabetic paper at affordable prices ! One night a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, the man noticed two sets of footprints in the sand one belonging to him, the other to the LORD. When the last scene of his life passed before him, the man looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This disturbed him, and he asked the LORD about it. LORD, you said that if I followed you, youd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I dont understand why you would leave me when I needed you most. My precious, precious child, the LORD replied, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you only saw one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

The above parable was written by an unknown author. That story was printed on the back of a book mark I received for Christmas two years ago. It is special to me because I received it at a time when I was going through a stage of denial of living with juvenile diabetes.

I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in 10. That was nearly 8 years ago, but every day I am constantly aware of the new challenges my disease brings. Diabetes is a metabolic disease which affects the levels of sugar in an individuals bloodstream. In order to control the disease a diabetic must test the average milligrams/deciliter of sugar in the blood daily, inject insulin before every meal, and maintain a regular exercise regimen.

In November of 16, my doctor approached me about switching to one of the new designer insulin programs that had come out. Instead of injecting twice a day, as I was used to, this new program would have me injecting every time I decided to eat. After the switch in November, I had trouble adjusting my body to this new therapy. In the first few months of the program, it took me awhile to catch on to the right methods of increasing and decreasing the dosage because I was treating this new regimen like my old one. I began to discover that this new program gave me so much more freedom of what and when I could eat. Previously I had had to follow a scheduled diet with a set amount of food, and my eating habits were so precise that it was really hard for me to ever miss a meal or a snack. At the same time as I was dealing with this drastic switch in my insulin regimen, my world was becoming much more chaotic than it ever had been before. I was learning the freedom of having a drivers license, the stress of teenage relationships, and the abandon of a 100 oclock curfew.

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These factors led to an overwhelming period in my life. The time was characterized by over-indulgence, massive doses of insulin, fear of public injection, and a dependance upon insulin and blood monitoring which I had never felt before. The outcome of this new lifestyle was one that I was not happy with. Physically and mentally my body began to show signs of my irresponsibility. I gained nearly twenty pounds and my self-esteem had taken a plunge. Never before, and never again, has my disease taken such control over my life.

I have since learned that with freedom comes responsibility. I am becoming an adult now and can no longer hide under the shadow of my parents protective wing. I have been able to appreciate life more fully because of the phase I went through of denying my disease and my body the proper care they deserved. I have learned to value moderation and control. I know now that the cliche Too much of a good thing is a lesson that should be taken to heart. In high school, many of my peers have decided to experiment with drinking and other uncontrolled substances. Many have proven that they cannot handle the responsibility it takes to be able to drink, and they end up losing control of themselves and their actions. I want to be the one in control of my body. My experience has taught me to appreciate the fact that sometimes you must display a higher level of maturity and self-respect rather than giving in to temptation.

Once again, I am running cross-country, and have found that running is the greatest key in controlling my blood sugars. My running is one of the most important and therapeutic aspects of my life. Previously, I ran in order to win races, but now I am just happy that I am fit enough to run. Before my experience I was afraid of the affects running would have on my blood sugar. Now, I have come to fully appreciate the people, health benefits, and atmosphere that are indicative of being a runner.

By facing my adversity, I have learned what it means to have faith and perseverance. To have faith when things seem hopeless is often times the difference of surviving the challenges set before you or of giving up. I have learned perseverance from my experience and have tried to do my best in all aspects of life whether it is from school, sports, or relationships. I am very proud of the seventh grade confirmation class I taught. I tried to have a positive impact on their lives and their faith.

I stated earlier that I was afraid of injecting myself in public. I have overcome that fear and have learned an important lesson That lesson is Above all things, be true to yourself. As long as I am happy with my character and my integrity the rest of the problems I face in life will be a piece of cake. I have learned to be independent, and to trust my own judgement. It is not necessary for me to go along with the group just for the sake of belonging because I am independent enough to determine what is best for me.

Dealing with diabetes is an adversity I will have the rest of my life. It isnt always easy, but it has made me who I am today. I have become a person with strong convictions and opinions, and Im happy with that. My disease has been a major factor in my life, but it has also taught me perserverance, self-reliance, and the value of a positive attitude. My father told me that to reach the top of the mountain you first have to cross the valleys along the way. No matter what valleys I face in my lifetime I know I have been provided with a good pair of boots for my hike to the top of the mountain.

Please note that this sample paper on Life Lessons from a Diabetic is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Life Lessons from a Diabetic, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Life Lessons from a Diabetic will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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