If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Glass menagerie. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Glass menagerie paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Glass menagerie, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Glass menagerie paper at affordable prices !

The Glass menagerie describes the harsh realities people face in a modern world. It also exposes the lost dreams of a southern family and their desperate struggle to escape into their illusions. Symbolism is a major aspect in this play that cannot be ignored. There is a deeper symbolism in the play that gives each character a depth. Tennessee Williams uses the symbols to develop character and theme, to elaborate on what the characters aspire to be, and to identify what they actually are. Tom Wingfield is a very complex and important character to the play. Tom is living in illusions by escaping to the movies, drinking, and by smoking on the fire escape.

Tom's life is a lonely existence. He has no friends and few acquaintances at work. His mother is domineering and controlling. Amanda contumely questions Tom why he goes to the movies so much. She also accuses him of doing things he is ashamed of night after night. Tom does expose his drinking to Laura with the tale of the magician and his trick's of changing water into wine and beer into Kentucky straight bourbon. Tom's reflections on his life come to surface with his expiations of why he continually keeps going to the movies. In the final act, he says to the gentleman caller, "People go to the movies instead of moving". Then he proceeds to say, "I'm tired of the movies and I am about to move". In this line he is finally exposing his intent of leaving is family in search of freedom.

The play is filled with lyrical symbolism. The fire escape is closely linked to Tom's character and to the theme of escape. Laura stumbles onto the fire escape, while Tom uses it to get out of the apartment and into the outside world. He goes down the fire escape one last time at the end of the play, and he stands on the landing during his final monologs. His position there metaphorically illustrates his position between his family and the outside world, between his responsibilities and his need to live his own life.

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In the end, memory is the one thing Tom cannot escape. The reality that he left behind a struggling and pathetic mother and a crippled sister will haunt him for the rest of his life. While he escapes his family for the chance at a real life, he cannot escape his feeling of regret.

Please note that this sample paper on The Glass menagerie is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Glass menagerie, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Glass menagerie will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Extinctions on Earth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Extinctions on Earth paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Extinctions on Earth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Extinctions on Earth paper at affordable prices ! The Extinctions on Earth

Considering all the great cataclysms in the Earth throughout its long history, it is remarkable how life has managed to survive to the present. Over ninety-nine percent of all species that have inhabited the planet from the beginning have become extinct, so that those living today represent only a tiny fraction of the total. Billions of plants and animals have existed in the geologic past. Most lived during the last six hundred million years. A period of phenomenal evolution of species as well as tragic mass extinctions. The common denominator in all mass extinctions is that biological systems were in severe stress due to rapid and extreme changes in the environment. The ultimate environmental hazard is mass destruction by the impact of a meteorite, asteroid, or comet on the Earth. Over one hundred large meteorite craters have been located throughout the world, some which might be associated with mass extinctions of species. The impact of asteroids melted the Earth's crust by impact friction, and blasted apart half the crust to form huge impact basins.

When a meteorite goes into the Earth's surface, it generates a shock wave with a pressure that travels down into the rock and reflects back up into the meteorite. As the meteorite burrows into the ground, it forces the rock aside, flattening itself in the process. It is then deflected and ejected from the crater, followed by a spray of shock-melted meteorite and melted and vaporized rock that shoots out at tremendous velocities. The finer material lofts high into the atmosphere, while the coarse debris falls back around the perimeter of the crater, forming a high rim. Craters of extremely large meteorite impacts might temporarily reach depths of twenty miles or more, and a hot mantle below. The exposure of the mantle would cause a gigantic volcanic explosion, releasing more material into the atmosphere than the meteorite itself.

When a large extraterrestrial body, such as an asteroid or comet, slams into the Earth, the impact can produce thick dust clouds, huge waves, extremely toxic gases, and strong acid rains. If a large meteorite landed in the ocean, it would instantly evaporate massive quantities of seawater, saturating the atmosphere with clouds of steam. This would raise the density of the atmosphere and increase opacity, making it impossible for sunlight to penetrate. Solar radiation would heat the darkened sediment layers of the atmosphere and cause a thermal imbalance that could seriously alter weather patterns, turning much of the land into a desert.

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Most extinctions of the past appear to have coincided with major planetary changes, brought on by tectonic forces and lowering sea levels. Global cooling caused many extinctions as climate is possibly the most important factor influencing species diversity. Many mass extinctions coincided with periods of glaciation. Not all climate cooling resulted in glaciation, nor did all extinctions follow a drop in sea level cause by growing glaciers. At least thirty meteorites between the sizes of baseballs and soccer balls hit Earth each year, but collisions with large meteorites are rare.

At the start of the Mesozoic Era (50 mya), the few surviving organisms found themselves in a relatively empty world. As Pangaea slowly separated into individual continents, the glaciers melted, and the ocean rose and re-flooded the continental shelves, forming huge, shallow inland seas. During the Mesozoic, Earth's biota changed immensely. At one point, the Earth's biota was relatively homogeneous. Distinct terrestrial floras and faunas evolved on each continent. We have often thought of the Mesozoic Era as being very warm. There was a very large seasonal temperature contrast at high southern latitudes. Most of this large temperature difference is because the continents were all still joined at this time. There was no evidence of glacial conditions. An important observation is that mammals first arise during the Mesozoic. This is important because mammals are endothermic, which enables them to adjust their body temperatures with their environment. It is known that the early and middle parts of the Mesozoic Era were very dry over large portions of the continents. The localization that began during the Mesozoic continues to influence the geography of life today. The Mesozoic is divided into three time periods the Triassic (45-08 mya), the Jurassic (08-146 mya), and the Cretaceous (146-65 mya). During this time, there have been two known mass extinctions, and two minor extinctions.

At the beginning of the Triassic period, the land was still bonded together in one huge continent known as Pangaea. Pangaea started to break apart in the mid-Triassic forming Gonduana in the south, and Laurasia in the north. While Pangaea was breaking apart, mountains were forming due to subduction of the ocean plates beneath the continental plates. As mountains were forming, the continents began to split by the spreading rift. Pangaea influenced the climate of the Triassic Era. Its position was close to the equator, and the activity all around caused the continents to break up. The continents were at high elevation compared to the sea level. Due to the low sea level, flooding of the continents did not occur. There were no polar ice caps. The sea level rose as the rift grew between some continents, flooding the others. Due to this, the rest of the world was left high and dry.

During this period, many invertebrate lineages became more diverse. On land, conifers and seed ferns became the dominant trees. The first frogs and turtles appeared. Reptiles began, which gave rise to dinosaurs, crocodilians, and birds. These creatures and their relatives ruled the land for over one hundred fifty million years. Starting out as small lizard-like animals, and forming into huge beasts that could walk bipedal. The more primitive form seem to have been cold-blooded, but researchers have come to find that some late descendants had warm blood. Near the end of the Triassic period, about two hundred million years ago, large families of terrestrial animals began dying off. The extinction occurred over a period of less than a million years, and was responsible for killing off nearly half the reptile families. Called "The Triassic Crisis", it was said to have eliminated tropical reef corals, possibly due to a colder climate. Although it has been viewed as one of the less significant extinctions, studies have shown that almost a quarter of all families became extinct in the late period. Why they went extinct is not known, but a meteor impact is suspected. The extinction forever changed the life on Earth, and made the way for the rise of the dinosaurs.

The mass extinction at the end of the Triassic was followed by another period of evolutionary changes during the Jurassic period. Bony fishes began to culminate in their dominance of the oceans. Salamanders and lizards first appeared. Flying reptiles evolved, and dinosaurs evolved into bipedal predators and quadrupedal herbivores. Several groups of mammals first appeared at this time. Plant-eating dinosaurs roaming the Earth, fed on ferns, cycads, and bennettitaleans. Dinosaurs dominated the land fauna during this period. The largest dinosaurs of all time were the sauropods, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, and Abatosaurus. Triceratops, and Tyrannosauraus Rex did not evolve until after the Jurassic was over. But there was more to life than dinosaurs. In the seas, the fishlike Ichthyosaurs shared the water with Plesiosaurs, crocodiles, and modern looking sharks and rays. Also, prominent in the ocean were cephalopods and ammonites, which were close relatives of the squid.

The existence of Pangaea for one hundred million years, overlying a large part of the Earth's mantle, suppressed to escape of heat from the mantle to surface, acting as a huge blanket. The mantle gradually heated up. This may have forced the continent apart, splitting the northern part form the southern part forming two continents. At the same time, climate stays very warm, not hot and humid as the Triassic period.

Two extinction events are speculated to have occurred in the Jurassic. The first extinction eliminated more than eighty percent of marine species, along with shallow water species. The second extinction occurred at the end of the Jurassic. Ammonoids, reptiles, and bivalves were severely affected. Dinosaurs were also affected as Stegosaurs and most types of sauropods did not survive into the Cretaceous period. The cause of these extinctions has never been solved, while other theories suggest volcanic activity, climate change, environmental pollution, or even cosmic radiation as causes.

The Cretaceous period is the last period of the Mesozoic Era, also ending with the extinction of dinosaurs. By the beginning of the Cretaceous, Pangaea was already rifting apart, and by the mid-Cretaceous, it had split into several continents. Seasons began to grow more noticeable as the global climate became cooler. Flowering plants and forests made up a huge percentage of the environment. Sea levels were high, and Earth was warm and humid.

No great extinction or burst of diversity separated the Cretaceous from the Jurassic period. The only difference was the Cretaceous saw the first appearance of many new life forms. Flowers, and forests joined the environment. At the same time, many modern groups of insects were beginning to diversify. Aphids, grasshoppers, and gall wasps appear, as well as termites and ants in the later part of the period. Cretaceous also saw the first radiation of the diatoms in the oceans. By the end of the period, many groups of mammals had evolved, but these mammals were generally small.

At the end of the Cretaceous period, sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid hit Earth in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, forming what is today called the Chicxulub impact crater. It has seen estimated that half of the world's species went extinct. All marine reptiles, except the smallest of turtles became extinct. Ninety percent of all plankton species that lived in the surface waters of the ocean died out. Afterward, mammals began to diversify rapidly, sometimes into unusual forms. The most prominent to us is the disappearance of the dinosaurs. However, flowering plants, which now dominate the terrestrial environment, suffered severely in the extinction event. The most famous, if not the largest, of all mass extinctions marks the end of the Cretaceous period. This extinction marks the end of the Cretaceous and of the Mesozoic Era.

Ten or more major meteorites have impacted over the last six hundred million years, some of which coincide with mass extinctions. There were four extinctions alone in the Mesozoic Era. As I was reading on information, I came across something very interesting. The closest flyby of a large asteroid in recorded history occurred on March , 18, when asteroid 18 FC came within 40,000 miles of Earth. If the asteroid would have collided with the Earth, it would have been catastrophic. Due to the Earth's large size, the planet's gravitational pull would have accelerated the asteroid during its final approach. If a collision had occurred, the asteroid would have produced a crater five to ten miles wide. Astronomers did not detect the asteroid until it was already moving away from the Earth. The astronomers failed to notice the approach of the asteroid because it came from a sunward direction. Thousands of asteroids are capable of crossing the Earth's orbit for a close encounter. In December 8, 1, a large asteroid called Toutatis, flew within . miles of Earth. Almost all close encounters took astronomers by surprise, and not a single one was anticipated. Asteroids, meteorites, and comets have all come in contact with the Earth, causing the extinction of life. It happened before, and it will happen again. The only question and concern that I have, is when the next time will be.

Please note that this sample paper on Extinctions on Earth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Extinctions on Earth, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Extinctions on Earth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Compulsory DNA testing. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Compulsory DNA testing paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Compulsory DNA testing, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Compulsory DNA testing paper at affordable prices with custom essay service! Last year, our government brought out a new law. This was first time that I absolutely agreed with Mr. John Howard. He did a grateful thing to taxpayers and his supporter.

All of the convicted criminals and prisoners will have compulsory DNA tests in 8 days. If they refuse to have tests oluntarily, their DNA samples

They must have their DNA sample been recorded by police. And also maybe some of them were committed to other crimes. The situation was very difficult and unfair to police before this new law has been brought out because they don¡¯t have power to use force to get DNA sample from suspects. There¡¯s a cheaper and easier way to solve the crime but the government still wants to waste our dosh. A DNA testing machine only cost $00 but every year police put thousands dollars in one case. Will you crooked on this because that much money can be put into healthy cover or some other welfare. By using DNA testing will improve police¡¯s efficiency and save our money. This year, everything will be changed by the new law. Jury will easily and clearly adjudge because there¡¯s very irrefutable evidence. None will escape from the web made by DNA testing. Would you like to see the society quite and comfortable? And wives of police will enjoy their night life because there is no more pressure to their husbands. DNA testing will indeed change our life if the law goes wider. We can record people¡¯s DNA and set up a database. When you want to do something illegal, please think about your DNA record in the central database. This will reduce crimes a lot and everyone will be protected under technology. Base on this new law, we also can see there are some dangerous to our privacy. But we have to trust our government that is the reason why we vote them. I don¡¯t think the government will give its supporters DNA for commercial activities. Mr. John Howard is not a DNA dealer. Those people who oppose this new law are irresponsible to the whole society and they are covering up for criminals too. They are not good Australian. Maybe some of them are affair of the new law because they want to hide something. Everyone should contribute all of their belongings if these will bring benefits to our country. I don¡¯t think you will like to see that Australia same as American. Raping, robbery and murdering are happening everyday. Will you let your children go out with alarm whistle around? Have you ever think about this situation will come true if we don¡¯t do something before the criminals. Now we must find out how valuable this new law is. If we let the new law go further, we will get more but pay less. Those unnecessary warning will not stop the development to our country. Many years ago, when the first train came out people said it makes too much noise and pollution. Today train has become the most popular transport in the world. People always refuse the new technology, but they will accept and use it after understanding it. Come on, everyone we are in 1st century how can we live with 0th century¡¯s mind. Scientists indicated that tomorrow will be genetic world. Why can¡¯t we walk out the gate and welcome our future. Genetic identities are important to us but with our mind changing this also will be changed. DNA testing will bring lots of benefits to us, you needn¡¯t carry ID card or passport to every where, and you needn¡¯t bring medical record to doctors. We shouldn¡¯t concern about DNA testing, on the other hand this will protect more than we lose. Refusing the new law is unwise action; many countries have already leaded on us. Why we don¡¯t follow them? Do us a favor, Liberal Party, create safer and convenient society to us.

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Please note that this sample paper on Compulsory DNA testing is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Compulsory DNA testing, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Compulsory DNA testing will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on French lifestyle changes. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality French lifestyle changes paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in French lifestyle changes, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your French lifestyle changes paper at affordable prices with custom essay service! La soci�t� française avait chang� beaucoup en dix dernièresann�es. Ceci reflète les

attitudes et les styles de vie changeants du peuple de la France.

Il y avait une d�cennie, il restaient beaucoup de familles traditionnelles - une mère,

un père et enfants. Mais il est difficile de trouver ce genre de famille. Les femmes

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jouent un r�le plus active dans la soci�t� et ainsi limage de la femme au foyer a

presque disparu. Aujourdhui, beaucoup de femmes travaillent sont consid�r�es

presque �gales aux hommes. Elles ne sont pas dependant des resources de leurs maris

et peuvent divorcer plus facilement que jamais avant, qui est refl�t�e par l�augmanter

de la taux de divorce. Il y a peu de mariages en France car il y a plus de personnes

vivant ensemble. Beaucoup de nouveaux types de famille sont cr��s comme un union

libre, la cohabitation, les familles monoparentales et les familles recompos�e. .

Les jeunes ne se marient pas jusque post�rieur dedans à la vie parce quils ont ainsi à

beaucoup doccasions et compte quils doivent travailler dur à l�cole et à luniversit�

pour obtenir un travail raisonnable. Les �tudes à l�cole prennent plus longtemps et il

devient n�cessaire de gagner beaucoup plus de qualifications pour tenir une chance

dans le monde du travail. Les jeunes veulent �galement lind�pendance et pour

pouvoir prendre leurs propres d�cisions. Beaucoup de jeunes fument, et il y a un

augmentent des nombres de grossesses dadolescent.

La religion devient de moins en moins importante pour peuple et a moins dinfluence

au-dessus des actions des peuples. Ceci fait de la place pour que lhomosexualit� et la

cohabitation plus g�n�ralement accepte. Le ch�mage est haut en France faisant des

personnes stresses, et causant beacoup de tension chez des familles car les gens

luttent pour survivre dans une soci�t� dure et critique.

La m�decine sest am�lior�e beaucoup, et ceci signifie quil y a dune contraception

plus fiable disponible, et ainsi les femmes peuvent �viter des grossesses nes d�sir�.

Ceci a men� à la majorit� de couples avant seulement un ou deux enfants. Les

travailleuses actives le trouvent difficile de combiner avoir des enfants avec un travail

exigeant et ainsi choisissez davoir des enfants plus tard dans la vie. Il est �galement

devenu très cher d�lever un enfant et ainsi les couples doivent travailler pour

accumuler une certaine somme dargent pour assurer un futur stable pour leurs


La technologie est beaucoup plus avanc�e et nous discutons les issues morales que le

clonage. LInternet est une forme largement utilis� de transmission, de même que les

t�l�phones portatifs. Cest une forme plus sans c�r�monie et plus impersonnelle de

transmission et les gens �loigner à part. Les familles ne sont plus �troites mais vivent

loin à part et communiquent rarement, compar� aux temps où des familles utilis�es

pour vivre près de lun lautre et pour passer un bon nombre de temps avec lun lautre.

Peut-être ces d�velopements dans l�volution de la famille et caus�e par choix ou

peut-être des besoins changeants de la soci�t�, mais des diverses statistiques nous

avons, la voie que la soci�t� va il ny a pas un futur très lumineux pour les g�n�rations

en avantThe French corporation had changed a lot in ten dernièresann�es. This reflects the attitudes and the train changeable lives of the

people of France. There was a decade, there remained a lot of traditional families - a mother, a father and children. But it

is difficult to find this family kind. The women play a role more activates in the corporation and thus the picture of the woman to

the home almost disappeared. Today, a lot of women work are considered almost equal to the men. They are not dependant of

the resources of their husbands and can divorce more easily than never before, that is reflected by l�augmanter of the divorce rate.

There is few marriages in France for there is more living persons together. A lot of family new types are created as a free

union, living together, the families monoparentales and the reconstructed families. . The young ones do not marry themselves

even posterior inside to life because they have thus to a lot of occasions and counts that they must work hard to the school and to

the university to obtain a reasonable work. The studies to the school take a long time and it becomes necessary to win a lot more

qualifications to hold a luck in the working world. The young ones want equally the independence and to be able to take their

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of the family and caused by choices or maybe changeable needs of the corporation, but various statistics have us, the way that the

corporation goes there is not a very luminous future for the generations forward

Please note that this sample paper on French lifestyle changes is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on French lifestyle changes, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on French lifestyle changes will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year. paper at affordable prices ! Bruce Dawe is an Australian poet who often writes about the social evils of today. He expresses strong emotions and morals, through his poetry, on current issues of the society, hence often leaving the reader with many unanswered questions and therefore persuading them to reconsider their values. With the aid of poetic techniques, this is particularly evident in poems such as The Not-so-good Earth, Homecoming and The Wholly Innocent.

The Not-so-good Earth, written in 166 is a dramatic monologue in free verse and concerns the western world's ignorance, disinterestedness and prejudices against Asian countries. Through the title of this poem, hyphenation and the use of the persona, the reader is, in turn left with several thoughts associated with this social issue.

The title itself already suggests the poem's dominating interest as it is unambiguous that Dawe is playing with the title of the book The Good Earth, written by Pearl Buck - a novel dealing with a poor Chinese family and their struggles with life, only to become successful in the end through hard work. However, real life situations are extremely different from those experienced in The Good Earth and Dawe acknowledges the reality of life in countries like China. The title of this poem induces the reader to distinguish between the dreams and the reality of the world. It informs the reader in thinking beyond their world and to think critically of themselves and their attitudes towards the unfortunate regions of the world.

Throughout this poem, the struggle with life in China is continuing, though the only thing Uncle Billy is concerned about is making the television screen clearer by "using the contrast knob". Even while he is adjusting the image on the television, "all those screaming faces / and bodies" are "going under the horses' hooves". This statement is hyphenated in attempt to make it conspicuous, however, having a clearer vision on the television is more important than the suffering peasants of China, to this family. People in China are "just" "starving away" and 600 million Chinese people have died, though we just view this as entertainment. From this, the reader is positioned to acknowledge the fact that it is disgusting and disappointing that people from the western society can simply perceive this as pure entertainment.

Order custom research paper on Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year.

The Not-so-good Earth takes the form of a dramatic monologue with the persona of this poem being just a young child. As a consequence of this technique, the reader visualises the family watching the television and from the persona's description, it is apparent that the family feels no sympathy for the people on the television screen. From the persona's ordinary speech, it is obvious that this young child has no idea of what is occurring and is more interested in her/his family's actions � such as Uncle Billy's "fast going eyesight" and her/his father tripping over the main lead and wiping out the television, than what is being presented on the television. Though the reader forgives this notion due to the persona's immaturity and innocence. The use of the persona being a young child provides the reader with a factual account of a typical family's reaction towards serious world issues. It portrays the fact that people in the western world just simply do not care about suffering nations, and that no one really does pay attention to issues like such, unless it is happening to them or to people of closer relations. However, this is an extremely superficial thought, as we should feel sympathy towards anyone who has to suffer unnecessarily. After all, we are all human and no one is more superior than another person.

Consequently, it can be seen that The Not-so-good Earth foregrounds the moral issues of the western society, and it is satirical as it portrays the fact that people from the western world possess little sympathy for the suffering people in many Asian countries. It establishes the point that people just do not care about others' suffering, unless the suffering is happening to them or to people of closer relations. In turn, this leaves the reader with a self critical point of view, as this is the reality of life in many places, though if we cannot relate to it, we simply view it as entertainment.

Homecoming is an anti-war poem, which is written in 168 in conjunction with the Vietnam War. This poem is an elegy written in free verse and it is deliberately given the misleading title of Homecoming. This is ironic as coming home is usually portrayed positively, though the tone of this poem reflects a feeling of gentle melancholy, and this is predominantly due to the fact that the people arriving back home are all dead. From this, the reader is immediately positioned to view war from a depressing perspective.

Homecoming opens with a monotonous rhythm; however, this tone is broken when "those they can find" is read. There is an emphasis placed on this particular line and this attracts the readers' attention as the reader acknowledges the fact that "them" and "they" are references to the soldiers. By stating, "those they can find", the reader also realizes that many soldiers are often lost at war and cannot be found. In turn, the reader becomes conscious of the atrocious effects caused from war.

The formlessness of this poem, that is, in free verse and lacking punctuation, and repetition of "they're", accentuates the incessantness of war. The repetition also portrays these men as objects or processed meat � nameless, depersonalised and with no trace of identity. From this, the reader feels poignant and emotional, as the men who are serving our nation, are not even acknowledged by their name. The reader feels sympathetic towards the soldiers who have lost their lives through war, and we are positioned to perceive war as being nothing but a way of slaughtering the entire human race.

The simile "telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree" provides the reader with a vivid image of all the families who are receiving the horrific news that their loved ones have died as a consequence of war. This line portrays the fact that millions of people are simply killed from war and to the extent that the telegrams are trembling considerably. From this, the reader is positioned to comprehend that nothing positive arises from war.

As a result, this poem powerfully conveys the negativities and revulsion of war, something that despondently still exists today. It foregrounds death and establishes the fact that millions of bodies are lost and killed as a result of war. Furthermore, the names of these dead soldiers are not even acknowledged and they are only recognized from their hairstyles � "curly-heads, kinky-hairs, crew-cuts, balding non-coms". Dawe has used various techniques in positioning and manipulating the reader in believing that war is immoral and unnecessary in today's society.

The Wholly Innocent, written in the 180's is a ballad of dramatic monologue form, and concerns the issue of abortion. The persona of this poem is an unborn child who is speaking to her/his mother about her/his views on abortion and its consequences. This poem is completely humourless and the tone present is exceptionally serious as it is regarding an extremely controversial issue.

The title of this poem accurately reflects the subject matter, as the poem involves an aborted foetus who has done no wrong in this world, and is therefore "wholly innocent". In turn, this positions the reader in believing that the unborn foetus, who has done no injustice to the world, should at least be given the chance to live. As in the line "Defenceless as a lamb.", the foetus's innocence is again reinstated as lambs symbolise purity. Therefore, the foetus's innocence induces the reader to sympathise with her/him and thus, the reader is positioned to perceive that abortion is immoral.

The repetition of "I never" and "Nor" in the first two stanzas portrays the fact that the unborn foetus has missed out on numerous aspects of life due to her/his mother's choice of killing her/him. The use of repetition expresses the endless list of things that the foetus has lost as a result of never having encountered life and all its wonders. In turn, this manipulates the reader in believing that abortion is unethical as by killing someone, you are not providing her/him with the opportunity to experience life.

The lines

"Oh you within whose god-like power

It lies to so decide"

is extremely powerful in this poem as it establishes the fact that the mother of this foetus has no right to take away her/his life. There is absolutely no justice in killing a life and these lines state the fact that the mother has no entitlement in doing so, as she possesses little power in comparison to that of god's.

The last stanza in this poem is particularly effective in leaving the reader with a sense of guilt as it reveals the fact that the foetus is only human and would have also loved and enjoyed the things that other people take pleasure in. The line "I never got that far." summarises the whole poem and leaves all the women who have ever undergone an abortion feeling guilty, as it reinstates the act of depravity that has been committed. In turn, the theme of having the right to life is again expressed.

As a result, it can be seen that The Wholly Innocent is specifically effective in conveying the immorality of abortion. Through a variety of poetic techniques, Dawe successfully foregrounds the theme of having the right to life and the reader acknowledges the fact that everyone should at least be given an opportunity to encounter it. Therefore, this poem establishes that abortion is profligate and unjust as by aborting a child, you are ultimately killing a form of life and are not even giving her/him the chance to experience it � a virtue that everyone deserves.

Consequently, it can be seen that Bruce Dawe does feel strongly drawn to comment on the social evils of today. This is evident in poems like The Not-so-good Earth, where Dawe criticizes the ignorance of people who demonstrate no interest in suffering nations, Homecoming, an anti-war poem portraying the loss of lives and negativities of war and The Wholly Innocent, which concerns the issue of abortion and therefore, the theme of having the right to life. Bruce Dawe once said that, "we write out of a need to come to terms with some concern, something "bugging" us.", and from this statement, it is blatant that he expresses his emotions and morals through his poetry in attempt to share his views and concerns on contemporary issues of the world, and in influencing readers to reconsider their values.

Sok Lian Teow, 00

Please note that this sample paper on Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Bruce Dawe feels strongly drawn to comment on what he would regard as the social evils of this day.Respond to this statement, referring to at least THREE poems you have studied this year. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on moments of insight. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality moments of insight paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in moments of insight, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your moments of insight paper at affordable prices !

Moments of insight

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us and In order to do so be prepared to search further than ourselves.

When we see a tree, many of us fail to see its paradoxical treeness. We see bark, branches and leaves, elements that limit our overall vision and we fail to see the veracity of what is around us. Perhaps this is because the label tree stands between ourselves and experience. Yet for some individuals they see past the label, beyond the facade, having a moment of pioneering insight.

Write my Essay on moments of insight for me

For these unique individuals who experience this perspicacity an exploration is undertaken into the natural rhythms and rhymes of the universe and induced over the artificial or man made. They realise that the human experience is limited by an individual's subconscious and can only be heightened by the beneficial power of nature.

Artists have been idealised/catagorised into a group of people who uphold and endorse this insightful supremacy within their works each using different path's to arrive at those moments whether that be through relationships, religion or nature.

Two artist's both concerned with similar subjects yet who have completely opposite approaches to expressing the fundamental essence of these concepts re-literate language which is both emotive and unmistakably Romantic. Their words are precise and their themes ingenuously simultaneous. William Wordsworth a poet from the Romantic period in English poetry, this masterminds work, dating over 100 years old encoporates themes that are still concurrent within todays contemporary society and has been hailed as a master of poetic history.

.. A poet of the Romantic period in English poerty who's work was incorporated into this wide reaching movement, William Wordsworth became renowned for his rejection of conventional techniques and subjects and his assosiations to nature and restorative potential.

at a time of his individual expressions along with Coleridge, Keats and ShellyThis William Wordsworthhas become internationally renowned for its fundamental human truths and relations to the natural world.With much of his attitude being greatly reflected thoughout much of his works.

David Malouf another

Please note that this sample paper on moments of insight is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on moments of insight, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on moments of insight will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the space shuttle columbia. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the space shuttle columbia paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the space shuttle columbia, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the space shuttle columbia paper at affordable prices ! Names of the crew members

Commander Rick Hudson

Pilot William Mccool

Mission Specialist Kalpana Chawla

Order Custom Essay on the space shuttle columbia

Mission Specialist Mike Anderson

Mission Specialist David Brown

Mission Specialist Laurel Clark

Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon

Space Shuttle Launch was on Jan 16


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- A trio of new records were burned into the history books this week during shuttle Columbias marathon research mission, officials said Thursday.

Setting fires within an enclosed chamber inside the Spacehab research module, astronauts were able to spark tiny balls of flame in a mix of extremely small amounts of hydrogen and air.

Its been a great experiment to date, said Paul Ronney, principal investigator of the Combustion Module experiment from the University of Southern California.

Results of the experiments could lead to more fuel efficient cars and less air pollution.

Invisible to the naked eye, the combustion activity was captured by special cameras able to detect the faint amounts of light and heat coming from flames that ranged in size from five to 10 millimeters.

Jan 1

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) --Space shuttle Columbias astronauts set small fires inside their orbiting laboratory Sunday in a scientific study of soot.

The flames were contained in a chamber inside an even bigger chamber, and there was no danger of fire breaking out.

Astronauts Kalpana Chawla, an American who was born in India, and Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli in space, used a hot wire igniter and jet burner to produce flames up to inches long. They collected some of the soot for analysis back on Earth.

Scientists want to better understand the production of soot, a pollutant that can lead to lung disease. They turned to space in order to eliminate the rising of hot air -- the so-called buoyancy effect -- and to slow the reactions inside flames for easier study

Jan 6

SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -- Space shuttle Columbias astronauts kept busy Sunday as they continued their 16-day mission of conducting scientific experiments.

Astronaut Laurel Clark worked on a study of how bacteria and yeast develop in space and how reduced gravity affects their response to antibiotics.

The experiment is one of several from the European Space Agency.

``The clumps havent changed a lot. But instead of being in one area of the chamber theyve spread out to more of a serpentine pattern. Within (the) large clumps, there are visible islands of very white tissue, Clark said, describing how the yeast cells she tested changed.

Technical Time Line of Known Events

Columbias breakup on Saturday (all times CST)

· At 75 a.m. CST, three-left main gear brake line temperature

sensors showed an unusual rise in the left wheel well area.

· At 75 a.m., a fourth left brake line strut actuator temperature

sensor showed a 0-40 degree rise in temperature over a five-minute period,

slightly higher than reported yesterday.

· At 755 a.m., A fifth left brake line main gear sensor showed a

sharp rise in temperature.

· At 757 a.m., left wing temperature sensors failed "off-scale

low", meaning no further data was being received on the ground.

· And at 75 a.m., just before communications was lost with Columbia,

there was evidence of drag on the aerosurfaces of the left wing, causing two

out of four yaw steering jets in that area of the Shuttle to fire for 1.5

seconds to counteract the increased drag.

KHOU-TV Channel 11 and the Houston Chronicle have established a Columbia Scholarship Fund to help pay for the education of the children of the STS-107 crew. Five of the seven astronauts killed Saturday had children. Checks made out to Columbia Scholarship Fund can be mailed to P.O. Box 40, Houston, TX 7740-0.

Please note that this sample paper on the space shuttle columbia is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the space shuttle columbia, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on the space shuttle columbia will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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